
Debate Info

'Murica's dum. *sips tea* 'Murica's smart. *drinks beer*
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 'Murica's dum. *sips tea* (2)
 'Murica's smart. *drinks beer* (2)

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DonutDunker(9) pic

Is the US lacking in brain power?

Many people claim that Americans lack intelligence. However, can this be true. Are Americans, in general, dumber than other people? Or is this just some people who feel they need to act superior.

'Murica's dum. *sips tea*

Side Score: 3

'Murica's smart. *drinks beer*

Side Score: 2

Yeah, we're not very smart, but we have enough smart people that the whole thing still works.

Side: 'Murica's dum. *sips tea*
1 point

Admittedly, we are way behind in terms of intelligence--but this is not inherent. It's due in part to flaws of our educational system which emphasize memorization (which can be important) over critical thinking (more important).

I think it would be an important improvement to re-assess what is being prioritized in the general curriculum. This would lead to improvements.

Side: 'Murica's dum. *sips tea*
1 point

I think you mean dumb, or was the incorrect spelling a deliberate error to emphasize your point? The list of inventions, discoveries along with the leading universities in the world makes America the exact opposite to ''dumb''. It's not by chance that the U.S.A, is the most powerful nation on earth, but as a consequence of it's clever, innovative, self reliant and hard working people. American technical brilliance, know-how, wherewithal and leadership superiority has saved the snooty Europeans from being overrun by the Germans and the old U.S.S.R. It's the strength of America which is keeping Putin's belligerent and expansionist Russia from ''appropriating'' many of the independent sovereign states of eastern Europe and behaving even more aggressively towards the U.K. than it is currently doing. America, dumb?, man, man oh man, you must be jesting.

Side: 'Murica's smart. *drinks beer*

America needs to improve in Science and Math in the schools, that's all.

Side: 'Murica's smart. *drinks beer*