
Debate Info

I'd buy one WTF?
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:21
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 I'd buy one (7)
 WTF? (6)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Is this a good idea for a product?

I have this great idea for a product.

It is a tin-can  that comes with different lids so that it can hold liquids, powders, pens and pencils, paper clips, etc.

It will be called “The MEXI.” (Copy Right:  all rights reserved.)

It will be marketed as “The MEXI-can;  does the job other cans wont!”

What do you think?

I'd buy one

Side Score: 11


Side Score: 8

I stay up late at night thinking of Get-Rich-Quick-Schemes. It all started when this guy got rich of his Pet-Rock idea. ;)

Side: I'd buy one
2 points

You can do it too, with the Mexi-can can!

(I do not expect any royalties from this catchphrase, Joe).

Side: I'd buy one
2 points

Thats really nifty. make a kool aid powder in one were all you have to do is add water. make sure its extra sweet tho. n i wudd buy one

Side: I'd buy one
1 point

Is Joe Calvary an alias for Eric Cartman???

anyways, I´d buy one

Side: I'd buy one
1 point

Sounds like a viable device.

Fuck the other cans.

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Side: I'd buy one
2 points

I don't understand why it needs different lids. What the fuck is the product?

Side: WTF?

The reason it needs different lids is because otherwise people would think that they are just buying an old, useless, everyday can.... and it isn't, it's a MEXI-can, see? ;)

Side: I'd buy one

I would need to see this product. Maybe a picture would be good.

Side: WTF?

I love the branding aspect of the product, not so much the product itself. It seems you're seeking to drive the potential sale of the product via branding as opposed to functionality. All existing cans with a lid can contain powders, liquids etc? Hope I did not misunderstand your idea in its entirely. All the best on the venture if you decide to proceed. I'm a business owner and develop our company's electronic products and have some experience marketing new products.

Side: WTF?
Mahollinder(900) Disputed
2 points

"No other can can do what the MEXI-can can!" (I expect all royalties for this catchphrase, Joe.)

Side: I'd buy one

You are a genius, Joe! Or rather, you would have been a genius - hundreds of years ago. It's too late for that, now.

Side: WTF?
1 point

seriously a can that holds anything? there is already cans that hold liquids and powders like powdered milk and stuff like that

Side: WTF?

That's true.... but.... this is a MEXI-can!!! Get it? ;)

Side: I'd buy one