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 Islamic State To Flood Europe With Heroin (2)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Islamic State To Flood Europe With Heroin

Russia’s Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN) believes ISIS could make £33bn ($50bn) through the sale of heroin in Europe. The United Nations (UN) said that the “magnitude of the numbers involved” makes the relationship between terrorists and drug traffickers “worrisome”. Around half of all Europe’s heroin is moved through ISIS controlled territory in Iraq. Criminal gangs who pay ISIS a commission do much of the work, but the terrorists are rapidly expanding their own operations. “This obviously make ISIS profiting from this more likely and as other sources of income are squeezed, such as oil by strikes in Syria and Iraq, they will be looking for other sources of revenue.”

So the "JV Team" have now become drug suppliers into Europe !

Will the flood of heroin from the Islamic State now enter into the United States through Syrian invaders coming here?

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2 points

These things only show intelligent people what hypocritical phonies these terrorists are. They have purely conditional moral vlaues. When it comes to drug trafficing or anything else bringing in money, it's ok. But they will behead you if you break some other religious laws. Selling drugs, getting Muslims hooked on drugs? That's ok.

2 points

The terrorist filth on both sides in Northern Ireland were always heavily involved in the peddling of drugs. Now that things have become more peaceful and more or less normal both the Republican and so called Loyalist terrorist filth control the drugs market in their own areas. All terrorists are first and foremost criminals who hide behind some ''cause'' or other to justify their criminal activities, be it murder, extortion or drug running.