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 It's funny how Trump is called a Nazi while being the Jewish people's biggest supporter. (4)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

It's funny how Trump is called a Nazi while being the Jewish people's biggest supporter.

The Democrat Party and the Left keep's labeling Trump a Nazi. They spend all their times on witch hunts, obstructing Trump and calling him names. They have nothing else! This is their non stop agenda rather than helping all Americans.

So the biggest example of the evils of Nazi's, is what Hitler and Nazi's did to Jewish people. They hated Jews with a passion. Don't you find it amazing that Trump is being called a Nazi, while being the biggest supporter of the Jewish people in our lifetimes.

When two and two does not add up to four, you might want to look at the motives of those attacking Trump. Trump's love of Israel and the Jewish people does not add up to being a Nazi.

It makes no sense at all because racists, Nazi's, white supremace groups, etc., hate Jews. Trump loves Jews! Israel loves Trump!

Stop swallowing what fake news tells you to swallow and start thinking for yourself.
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1 point



No, it isn't funny. What is funny is that you keep insisting you can't be Nazis because you want to gas Muslims instead of Jews. You try to inflate and distort this one small difference into some kind of major stumbling block to the patently obvious fact that you are evil racist bastards.

1 point

Quite simply Trump is not the Jewish people's biggest supporter...

In fact, you have to seriously wonder about the motivation of someone (FromWithin) who would allege he is their biggest supporter while so much public controversy over the bigotry has already raged and been documented. You try to label him that simply because it's part of your disinformation campaign to try to shield him from valid criticisms.

1 point

Hello from:

The Jewish people and the state of Israel are NOT the same thing. You're welcome.
