
Debate Info

Religion is all important. There are other issues almost
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:19
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 Religion is all important. (8)
 There are other issues almost (8)

Debate Creator

Winklepicker(1021) pic

It's good that religion is the dominant subject on this forum.

It seems that a band of deranged religious zealots have all but commandeered CreateDebate  as their own exclusive forum. These weak minded and pitiful fanatics spew out their sanctimonious opinions along with an eternal list of pious quotes from the scriptures in an embarrassingly juvenile manner, all in a futile attempt to convince normal people that the fanciful notions of a bundle of daydreamers of 2000 years ago are true. Is this the end of Create Debate as we know it? 

Religion is all important.

Side Score: 9

There are other issues almost

Side Score: 8
1 point

.................................................................... y a w n !!

Side: Religion is all important.

Sorry to have bored you, although you did take heed and reacted to my thread. However, believe it, or believe it not I was not trying to be offensive towards Christians in any way. I perceive you lot as well meaning, harmless but somewhat arrogant irritants who enjoy threatening, perplexing, tyrannizing, preaching and thundering to the population at large. I do believe that baptism with soap would be a good thing.

Side: Religion is all important.
1 point

typical response from you. or i should say lack thereof.

come to think of it i have never seen you debate intelligently in your own words. all you do is cite chapter and verse. like you butt boy the AintNow. you both have already wearied me in my short time here. you are both about to be taken down several pegs. mark it. now....yawn again.

ps...i can tell by your pic you are not in the Word. Nor are you washed in the Blood of the Lamb. I am guessing maybe you just troll as a religious zealot for kicks? that would indeed explain an awful lot.

Side: There are other issues almost

you call us deranged and weak minded and pitiful, and then say you meant no offense?

Either you're conflicted or just too cowardly to attack my beliefs to my face.

But I do agree that the moderation on this Forum needs to be enforced a bit better.

AintNow basically runs amok, yes. And I have been on other forums where he would have been banned permanently a long time ago. In fact, I think that in ALL past forums I have been on this would have been the case. I am still a mod on and can tell you he would have been banished forever for doing just once there what he does several times a day here on CD.

He daily commits a rule infraction that on most forums would earn him a 3-day or longer suspension. even though I am a Christian and enjoy debating theology, I would like to see the religious posts have to stay on, well, the Religious Forum. I realize we can post them there, technically, but this really means nothing as the debates still show up on the main start-up page and nobody knows really what category they are in, as it is not listed.

the mods here need to ratchet up their control of people hijacking threads, as we call it on Theology Online. they also need to better censor the use of profanity.

my wife is an educator. she has told me that schools use online debate sites sometimes to give their students practice in debate and rhetoric. she also says many teachers wont use this site because of the profanity and lack of efficient moderation.

Side: Religion is all important.
1 point

I assumed my description of Christians was a self evident truth and one which even they recognized. Therefore, it would be not be possible to insult someone by pointing out various character weaknesses about which they already know.

Side: There are other issues almost
0 points

Well you assumed wrong. And of course you are wrong.

Christians as a whole are no more weak-minded than anybody, including Irish atheists. And American agnostics. And if you really believe that what you said about us is a self evident truth and you really were not just making another attack, then I submit that you might want to check your reasoning in order to see if you do not in fact suffer from the very affliction you are accusing us of being beset with.

Side: Religion is all important.

I feel that issues such as the economy, the trade deficit, the eye watering national debt, violent crime, the ''black problem, cheap Asian imports being allowed to swamp the country, thus causing unemployment and ''uncontrolled'' immigration are all issues which have a greater impact on the United States that the mumbo jumbo of religion.

Side: There are other issues almost
dadman(1703) Disputed
2 points

select and choose your category .... pfft !! ...

no one is stopping you from displaying your boring issue ...... later :)

Side: Religion is all important.
Winklepicker(1021) Clarified
1 point

It's difficult to negotiate your way through the religious minefield and find a subject worthy of comment. Religion, abortion, LGBT and inhouse insults, with religion wayyyyyy ahead of the pack, seem to form 90% plus of the issues which attract a response in any numbers. Anyway, old bean, just to show my Christian upbringing, do have a thumbs up.

Side: Religion is all important.
1 point

your bio says you live in Northern Ireland. So what do you know about our USA national debt? Why does it make your eyes water?

and....what black problem are you blabbering about? care to elaborate?

the Asian goods we import really have no significant impact on our unemployment situation. which, btw, has come back to pre-2008 subprime meltdown levels. if, say one half of the goods manufactured in china by american-owned businesses were manufactured here, the unemployment rate might go down one-half of a percent, at most. so in percentage of the current unemployment rate of about 6%, you are looking at a 5.5%. this might even be bad and not worth it in the overall economic picture, said those goods would no doubt cost us more to purchase, thus adding slightly to inflation, as higher purchase prices equates to a lower dollar value.

(yep..I was an Econ major, so you sorta got the wrong guy on your ass!)

violent crime has been on the downturn for years now. look it up.

immigration is controlled. Its the illegal aliens you are referring to. and we do prevent most of those who attempt to illegally get into our country form doing so.

religion is not mumbo jumbo. maybe only for those who dont understand it. it is mans's attempt to band together with like-minded people in an attempt to discern the nature of God and Salvation. It has helped millions. While true that like anything that can wield power, it has been abused by some. but this is no reason to write it off as nonsense. Only the angry or ignorant will do that. which are you?

that last comment must be very popular with your Irish Catholic mates, eh?

Go IRA! (England, get the EFF out of my country!).

Demon Hunter

Side: Religion is all important.
Winklepicker(1021) Clarified
1 point

The United States of America is the reason why we in Europe, including Northern Ireland,have the freedoms we all enjoy. Most Europeans, but especially the British and the Irish feel a close affinity with our cousins in the U.S, and are saddened as well as concerned to note that the economic polices which created this unnerving fiscal situation are continuing to be pursued by the Democrats. Two other points are, 1) we all have a right to hold, and state, our opinions of events beyond our own borders, ( as Americans do regularly) and 2), after 9/11 the freedom loving peoples of the world are all Americans. As a non believer I am only too happy to say, ''God'' bless America.

Side: Religion is all important.
0 points

Your claim to holding a degree in economics doesn't impress me one little bit, indeed quite the opposite. Having been a major employer in Northern Ireland for over 35 years I'm only too well aware that those phonies who claim to hold qualifications, either real or invented, are invariably useless bullshiters who are of no earthly good to the progress of one's business. Permit me to guide you on the position in Northern Ireland. The so called conflict has nothing whatsoever to do with religion. It's not Catholics vs Protestants, it's nationalists vs loyalists.

Side: There are other issues almost
1 point

People vote with their feet. Meaning when people get sick of talking about a subject they stop posting on it and gradually the persons starting those debates move on as well. We're still posting on religion though right now - because it's a great way to debate (as long as debate doesn't get shut down through banning).

And like I've said before, it's mainly because of the lunatic fringe posting outrageous things on religion and politics that these debate websites remain a draw for participants. The moment it's all just calm tea time and we're all sitting around agreeing about something mundane is the moment Createdebate begins to fade into the sunset.

Side: There are other issues almost
Winklepicker(1021) Clarified
1 point

Well, yes, there does seem to be a lot of participants missing from this site compared to when I first joined. I'm certain that most them were driven away because of the stifling of the Forum by the incessant pious babblings of the holy Joes who fail to accept that most people have been exposed to the same religious indoctrination as children but, as reasoning adults were able to recognize the scriptures for what they are.

Side: Religion is all important.
1 point

Fair enough. I'm sure their behavior drives away some people just the same as it keeps some people around to fight the fight.

Side: There are other issues almost
1 point

people vote their pocketbook, brother. this is PoliSci 101.


Side: Religion is all important.
Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

True, but in the context of this site none of us are really paying anything besides time.

Side: Religion is all important.