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brontoraptor(28596) pic

John Brennan is a Communist, totalitarian fraud

Inquiry by C.I.A. Affirms It Spied on Senate Panel

By Mark Mazzetti and Carl Hulse

July 31, 2014

CIA admits to spying on Senate staffers
Thu 31 Jul 2014 

A constitutional crisis': the CIA turns on the Senate

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Oh give it a rest you silly fucking Nazi. You post ten of these bullshit propaganda attacks per hour. How can you expect anybody to take you seriously when you post shit like this?

I find it incredibly strange that you freely acknowledge Hitler's disdain for Jews, but apparently have no problem plagiarising his anti-Communist rhetoric.

And when I say strange, what I mean is that you're a crooked Zionist twat who only cares about Israel.

1 point

Oh give it a rest you silly fucking Nazi.

You post ten of these an hour.

You post ten of these bullshit propaganda attacks per hour. How can you expect anybody to take you seriously when you post shit like this?

It's the first John Brennan is a Communist thread. He doesn't deny that he's a Communist...He admits to voting as a part of...the Communist Party...

Facts aren't "propaganda". Nonfacts are...propaganda...

Interesting that quoting the far left New York Times is propaganda...

1 point

I find it incredibly strange that you freely acknowledge Hitler's disdain for Jews, but apparently have no problem plagiarising his anti-Communist rhetoric.

He took over Poland by allying with...Communists. ofPoland

And when I say strange

You think a penis meaning you are male is strange.

what I mean is that you're a crooked Zionist twat who only cares about Israel.

"Jew is a religion. You can't be a Jew without practicing Judaism."


outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

In 1976, future CIA director John Brennan was a college student disgusted by Watergate and the “system” that produced it. As the young Brennan surveyed the political landscape, only one candidate seemed to be speaking the truth about the need for real change (and/or the dictatorship of the proletariat) — Communist Party nominee Gus Hall.

But by 1980, Brennan grown out of Marxist-Leninism, realized American-style capitalism was the one true way, and decided to devote his life to Uncle Sam’s intelligence apparatus. Or so that former pinko now claims.

What up you DUMMY ??????? Are you going to defend the COMMUNIST ???????