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 Lefties refuse to respond over their Democrat Party forcing boys into girl's sports. Why? (2)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Lefties refuse to respond over their Democrat Party forcing boys into girl's sports. Why?

It's funny how those on the Left are dead silent over their beloved Democrat Party pushing to force every school to allow boys who think they are girls, into girl's sports.

Can you see how far to the Left your Democrat Party has gone? But you will hold your noses and still vote for these extremists.
I hope it is your daughter that loses her sports scholarship to so called Transgender boys.

Lefties are going so extreme in pandering to their LGBT base, they will even lose their feminist vote.

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I wonder when a transgender man will take over women's golf, or bowling, or weight lifting, or any sport that having physical strength is a benefit.

How stupid can the Left be?

Lefties refuse to respond over their Democrat Party forcing boys into girl's sports. Why?

They seem to not be touching this topic and colleges having segregated graduation ceremonies at this present time.

Looks like we'll have to dial back later once they confront that they've taken the country back in time about 70 years +

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

Yes, the women's movement has been set back decades.

The Left is always trying to get girls interested in sports at a younger age?

What they are doing now will keep girls from getting into sports.

I think we need to say it like it is. Democrats are absolute sniveling cowards who dare not stand up against these extremist LGBT groups.

These loony Liberals actually swallow the garbage of how they might be considered Transphobic if they take a stand.

If low end voters stop voting for these extremists, they will get the message.