
Debate Info

A gay Christian A straight atheist
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:12
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 A gay Christian (5)
 A straight atheist (2)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40131) pic

Let's play, who will go to hell first


Don't over think this.

There's no right or wrong answers.


just pick one and move on.

A gay Christian

Side Score: 7

A straight atheist

Side Score: 3

A gay Christian only always have the hardest time in hell.--------

Side: A gay Christian
1 point

A gay Christian would go to hell because being homosexual is against the Bible and homosexuals won't inheirt the kingdom of God.

Side: A gay Christian

But..., isn't atheism against the bible as well? I'm just playing devil's advocate. Actually..., I'm just trolling for souls ;)

Side: A gay Christian
1 point

Yes atheism is against the Bible. If you don't believe in God then you won't go to heaven you will go to hell.

Side: A gay Christian

I think they would probably end up carpooling. ;)

Side: A straight atheist
0 points

Neither. There is no hell! Besides, why would a gay man go to hell more than an athiest. Is this gay guy a christian? If so, then, you may ask the question. But as i have already said, there is no hell!

Side: A straight atheist