
Debate Info

Needs me that chicky I can make it without
Debate Score:73
Total Votes:139
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 Needs me that chicky (5)
 I can make it without (9)

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Bronto(2002) pic

Libs now need emotional support fried chicken in a box...

Needs me that chicky

Side Score: 57

I can make it without

Side Score: 16
22 points

I looked at your story.

No mention of the words "lib", "liberal" or "Democrat" anywhere in it.

Also, the story itself makes clear the "emotional support chicken" is a joke.

"Popeyes decided to offer its own version of 'emotional support animals pushing the envelope' by offering travelers 'Emotional Support Chicken' — a gesture designed to bring holiday travelers some needed humor to what is one of the most stressful places to be during the holidays — the airport," the chain said in a press release.

Everything you post is fucking lies.

Get off this site you corrupt Nazi dickhead.

Side: Needs me that chicky
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Colleges and universities nationwide are establishing "safe spaces" for students troubled by the results of the 2016 presidential election, offering everything from counseling hours to painting activities.

St. Mary’s university has embraced the trend of colleges shielding students from the presidential election, offering a safe space with “warm drinks” and “nourishment” for students who are stressed by results.

“Many students and campus community members do not feel safe today.” Tweet This

Ete Martinez Anderson, the assistant dean of Student Life, sent a school-wide email encouraging students to “take a deep breath” and console each other in the Intercultural Center (ICC) and the Women’s Resource Center (WRC).

“Whether you’re celebrating a victory or grieving a loss, let us remember to take care of each other,” Martinez Anderson wrote, informing students that they could come to the WRC to “paint, engage in creative projects, dialogue, and reflect.”

Are you Little Gurl's scared by an election ?

Side: I can make it without
ConsPuppet(12) Disputed
0 points

Roses are red

True love is rare

Booty booty booty booty

Rockin everywhere

Side: I can make it without
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
-1 points

But NOM have you not noticed your Leftist campie are scared ??????????

In the wake of the election, many college students at elite colleges and universities have come down with serious cases of PTSD: President Trump Stress Disorder.

Their inability to anticipate this outcome—the election of Donald Trump—should prompt the Ivy League to consider whether it’s really preparing students for life outside the liberal bubble of campus.

To equip students with the resources they need to refute Trumpism, colleges have to stop shielding them from ideas that offend their liberal sensibilities. They have to stop pretending that shutting down a discussion is the same thing as winning an argument. Silence is not persuasion.

At Cornell University, weary students sat outside in shock the morning after the election. The Cornell Daily Sun, which live-streamed the gathering, invited viewers to “cry with us.” Attendees said they were heartbroken and terrified.

Elsewhere, at campuses across the country, students begged professors to cancel classes and postpone exams, citing fear, exhaustion, and emotional trauma. Such accommodations were frequently granted: Academics at Columbia University, Yale University, the University of Connecticut, and other institutions told students to take some time to come to terms with what had happened, as if the election of Donald Trump was akin to a natural disaster or terrorist attack.

That wasn’t all. Law students at the University of Michigan were provided with a post-election “self-care with food and play” event, complete with “stress busting” activities like play dough, coloring books, legos, and bubbles. Columbia University’s Barnard College offered hot chocolate and coloring. The University of Pennsylvania, an Ivy League institution, created a healing space: more coloring books, and also puppies.

Quoted by the Left Wing Rag that is the Daily Beast !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: I can make it without
Nom1(16) Disputed
-5 points
Bronto(2002) Disputed
-8 points
1 point

Libs now need emotional support fried chicken in a box..


It's true... Fried chicken makes me fee warm and fuzzy all over.. The world is RIGHT when I've got a barrel full of fried goodness on my lap.


Side: Needs me that chicky
Spot(122) Disputed
1 point

May I eat what is on your lap? Would you enjoy me eating what's on your lap?

Side: I can make it without

Oh gosh. Look how unpopular your lies are, Bronto.

I guess people must still hate Nazis. Sucks to be you.

Side: I can make it without
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Colleges and universities nationwide are establishing "safe spaces" for students troubled by the results of the 2016 presidential election, offering everything from counseling hours to painting activities.

St. Mary’s university has embraced the trend of colleges shielding students from the presidential election, offering a safe space with “warm drinks” and “nourishment” for students who are stressed by results.

Ete Martinez Anderson, the assistant dean of Student Life, sent a school-wide email encouraging students to “take a deep breath” and console each other in the Intercultural Center (ICC) and the Women’s Resource Center (WRC).

“Whether you’re celebrating a victory or grieving a loss, let us remember to take care of each other,” Martinez Anderson wrote, informing students that they could come to the WRC to “paint, engage in creative projects, dialogue, and reflect.”

Elections affect the Little Gurls !!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Needs me that chicky
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point .html

Donald Trump's victory stunned students on college campuses across the country, including the University of Pennsylvania, which can count Trump among its alums, and nearby Drexel University.

"I literally couldn't get out of bed," said Penn sophomore Amanda Agyapong, 18, a psychology pre-med major from Ghana who has spent the last 11 years in the United States.

She skipped class Wednesday morning, so devastated that she said she didn't want to leave her room.

It was only when Penn's black cultural center offered to host a lunch that she decided to go and be with other students.

"They are making it a safe space for us today," she said.

Little Snowflakes exposed LMMFAO

Side: Needs me that chicky