
Debate Info

Beer Liquor
Debate Score:20
Total Votes:20
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 Beer (3)
 Liquor (9)

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Warjin(1577) pic

Liquor or Beer while debating?

As we all know each and everyone of us love to debate here on this site, however I myself love to debate here on this site while having a few drinks, it just makes the debate more lively if you know what I mean, anyways if you are a drinker, what's your poison while debating?


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 15
3 points

Beer for me, I can't touch liquor, I might say something offensive towards religion lol.

Side: Beer
1 point

I wouldn't touch any of it.

Side: Beer
1 point

Ginger beer. (^ĚŽ^)

Side: Beer
4 points

I drink wine. Youl be surprised, some people are wiser when they are drinking,

Side: Liquor
Warjin(1577) Clarified
1 point

Nice I can do wine just not liquor, sometimes I wish we had the option to add 3 debate choices : )

Side: Beer
2 points

It all depends on my mood and what's in the house, I nearly always have spirits about though

Side: Liquor

Vodka and red bull.. Pure debate fuel... Nah I don't drink but just Imagine lol

Side: Liquor
2 points

Liquor, absolutely. Why drink a bunch of watered down piss with extra sugars and crap in it that do nothing for your buzz or flavor? Beer is for sissies who can't handle real liquor.

Side: Liquor

Does it seem like I need alcohol to come up with my debates/arguments ;)

Side: Liquor

Won't do beer. That's to bitter for me, I prefer flavored vodka.

Side: Liquor

See you all in createdebates new section called AA,must be saturday night in america,well its 10 am sunday and the pub just opened,im late,i made ginger beer with alcohol content of 5%,so what ginger beer you drinking

Side: Liquor
1 point

If I can get away with it I like a glass or two of properly prepared (i.e. no fire) absinthe.

Side: Liquor
1 point

Liquor. She'll love it. ;)

Side: Liquor