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Debate Score:35
Total Votes:47
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 List of Members That Are Not Cartoon Characters (19)

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Atrag(5666) pic

List of Members That Are Not Cartoon Characters

The balance seems to have tipped on this site. There now seems to be more cartoon characters than actual debaters. By cartoon characters I mean made up personas that make up a character to debate on a single issue but without actually believing what they type. This leads to them forming arguments that they can't defend because there is not substance behind the views of the character they are portray. So I thought it might be useful to list the non-cartoon-characters here.
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3 points

You are aware this is social media ? Debate is out of the window when it comes social media i figured you were aware of that at this point !

Cartman(18192) Disputed
0 points

There is no reason that debate has to be sacrificed simply because it is through social media.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed Banned
3 points

LMMFAO social media is an arguing media ! Don't you get it ?

3 points

Debating has become my new hobby that I truly enjoy and it is something that I will strive to improve on as a new year's resolution. I have came across so many interesting debate topics which inspired me to think critically about the varying perspectives in shaping my argument. It was intellectually satisfying. Too bad recently with the beginning of a busy school year I simply don't have the time and effort to truly debate the arguments. Debating is definitely something that I am willing to work hard for and improve on in the near future.

I must admit that sometimes people with a wide knowledge and passion towards what they do can always be surprised and get stuck at what other people say, but the only difference between those people are how they attempt things. Also, one can be surprised by those who agree with them, but more from people who disagree. I believe that is an evidence to show that no matter what, we are consistently learning new things along the way.

1 point

The people on the leader board that are definitely not cartoons are : GenericName, Cartman and daver.

2 points

Axiom seems real.

Aww what about me.

1 point

........................................................................................................Shut up and debate.

1 point

I don't want to debate cartoon characters. Seems reasonable to me.

0 points

Why not?

Why do you feel the need to shun and ridicule these cartoon characters?

I hope I am not a cartoon. I want to be a real boy! .

0 points

Cartoon? I'm so real that real life looks made up compared to me.

I be the real n***a