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 Maybe Trump is exactly what America needs no matter how egotistical he sounds. (5)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Maybe Trump is exactly what America needs no matter how egotistical he sounds.

Maybe Republicans have finally awoken from their conditioned sleep. They see the death spiral to our nation. 19 TRILLION DEBT!
For decades, election after election, they have listened to wonderful eloquent speakers. These great speakers have perfected their craft of never answering a question, and saying all the things we so desparately want to hear. They have perfected lying to your face and making it sound so believable.
Well, guess what? These eloquent speakers hardly ever do what they say they will do. They are tied to the big money that got them where they are. Republican voters have suspected this for years but were always left with voting for the lessor of two evils. The Republican party with all it's flaws is still a thousand times better than the closet socialist Democrat Party.
Along comes Trump. A seemingly narcissistic egotist who has not perfected the art of lying to you. He has not mastered the craft of political correctness.
So tell me, I thought Americans were sick of career politicians constantly lieing to us. As soon as we get an outsider who says it like it is, who talks off the cuff, who is not beholden to big money lobbyists, and who does not worry about being politically correct..... what do people instantly do?
They get scared and want to fall right back into the laps of those polished speakers, of the liars who will continue this death spiral of America. People will believe these career politicians who say they are not like those other extreme Democrats and Republicans. They say we are Libertarians!
LOL, yeh, they got to this same point in their careers by lieing to people, and are just as beholden to big money donors.
If you truly think they are any different, then wow!
There is not a Democrat alive who would not become Libertarian in a heart beat if he thought it would get him elected. They stand for nothing but themselves.
I agree, Trump many times acts like an egotistical fool and I share the same concerns as you. But if you listen to people who know him, he is an unbelievble hard worker who gets things done. He does what he says he will do. AMERICA DESPARATELY NEEDS THIS!
His ego has worked to his advantage his entire career. He wants to show everyone how he can do what no one else could do. America needs someone who has no agendas other than proving to the world he can make our nation great again.
We at times cringe from things he says. He often times is his own worst enemy, but you know what? Look at his children! They seem to be very happy well adjusted hard working people. You can not fake your children. They most times shine a light on a parent's true character.

Bottom line, we have no choice but to give him a try because we know Hillary. She's the epitomy of all that's wrong wth American politics. If Trump does not start making America great again, we will kick him out in four years.
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2 points

A seemingly narcissistic egotist who has not perfected the art of lying to you.

That's because he is so completely full of shit that we can easily tell when he is lying, which is whenever his mouth is moving.

As soon as we get an outsider who says it like it is

He doesn't though.

They stand for nothing but themselves.

Trump is the pure definition of doing nothing but what helps himself.

I agree, Trump many times acts like an egotistical fool and I share the same concerns as you.

How the fuck can someone who never listens to anyone possibly claim to have the same concerns as other people?

But if you listen to people who know him, he is an unbelievble hard worker who gets things done.

His kids?

His ego has worked to his advantage his entire career.

Yes, his advantage, not anyone else's.

He wants to show everyone how he can do what no one else could do.

Like finally bankrupt the country?

They most times shine a light on a parent's true character.

I am looking for a president, not a parent. Especially not a parent who wants to date his own daughter.

Bottom line, we have no choice but to give him a try because we know Hillary.

One policy. You couldn't name a single policy of your choice for president that would sway people to vote for him. Shame.

If Trump does not start making America great again, we will kick him out in four years.

We couldn't kick out the last loser after 4 years.

1 point

Well shoot, I think you hit the nail on the head Cartman.

The guy is a buffoon. He would run this country to ruin then blame everyone else for it because "his ideas are the greatest" and any failure on his part is because of someone else. Always. If all of reality TV could morph into one person, it would be him. I hope this time people will really start looking into third parties because both candidates need to crawl back under their rocks and shut up.

2 points

Apparently America needs the debators here to be pres. Since they're so good at talking shit about the candidates' character , the debaturs here must know what's best.

Y'know, a lot of the very successful people are, narcissistic, sociopathic and/or psychopaths.

Despite how unpleasant their personality is, they know how to get shit done good.

mfsdr(3) Disputed
0 points

Yes people who are sociopathic and/or psychopaths know how to get stuff done and are very successful in killing people. Thank you for the comparison of sociopathic to Trump. I really see your point now, despite evil intentions or if they're a terrible person, they should still run our country. That's a different perspective.

ProLogos(2794) Disputed
1 point

Your ignorance of those mental states, does not surprise.

All of them can be dangerous, but not all of them are what people would consider evil.

How annoying someone is has nothing to do with how well they'll serve the country.