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 My Dream Vacation Is... ? (22)

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KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

My Dream Vacation Is... ?

We can all dream where we would like to go so where would you all like to go for a vacation if you could?

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3 points

My Dream Vacation Is... Bora Bora with no humans anywhere near me! Ahhhhhhhhh.........

Now that is beautiful brother.

1 point

But with a connection to CreateDebate.... of course. ;)

I've been to Tahiti. Right after 9/11. Got a GREAT deal. People were afraid to fly. My wife and I talked about retiring there. After 3 days..., we wanted our country back ;)

2 points

Really, going places, planning stuff, that just sounds like too much work to me.


My dream vacation not doing anything at all.

2 points

Dude, I agree with that... except I'd like to change my location to something more tropical or something.

2 points

Yeah, that's a good point. They need to invent one of those star trek things where you click a button and it can be wherever you want. That satisfies my laziness while also making me feel I've accomplished something :p

2 points

My dream vacation is to travel around the world.

If I could, I would touch every country on earth :D I looove to travel.

2 points

To go to Hawaii that is where I would go, I heard it was beautiful their.

I've been there. I would, however, recommend the Caribbean. ;)

Probably, it would involve warm weather, golf and women with a cruise ship.

Basically, golf by DAY and women by NIGHT.

1 point

That sounds like my kind of vacation, can't get much better than that.

1 point

Easily my dream vacation is Australia. And no, not just because the Koalas ;)

I've never been there but I have been to Austria. I would recommend that. ;)

1 point

No where. :P

Apparently, my city is crowned the most livable in the world. I'm still confused why they did that.

It's a scummy shithole, filled to the brim with Hipsters.

If I ever went anywhere else, I would know that it would be at a worse standard than to what my current place is. So no thank you. ;)

1 point

I'ld like to stay in Buckingham Palace for a week or two.

My dream vacation is to camp at home. break down my ceiling and enjoy the sunlight for a day or two. That would be good

First I would go here, then I would take some "legal substances" and go here then after that I would go here

When you ever go to the second one make sure to take a lot of pictures.

1 point

St. Kitts & Nevis. My parents went there last year and have only great things to say about it. Just a sample.

Yeah all those kind of places usually are great!

1 point

The Nazca dessert, so I can study the supposed drawings on the ground that can only be seen in a bird's eye view high up.