
Debate Info

fact denial
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 fact (2)
 denial (1)

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Spinach(50) pic

Nom believes earth was seeded by debris from mars and that DNA was made by aliens


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 1
1 point

Well, That's one theory, isn't it? I'm sure you have yours. Someday we'll know, for sure, which theory is correct. My money is on a somewhat modified Nombelief, certainly NOT the Biblical version. ;-)

Side: fact
1 point

It's an interesting theory, there is belief that the Earth WAS seeded from a planet, possibly Mars, possible something further. We do know the base foundations for life came from space, so it's not a far leap to think or theorize that some form of life, be it like the Tardigrade or something more cellular, "seeded" the earth.

Side: fact
1 point

Who is this "Nom" you keep raving about? .

Side: denial