
Debate Info

Yes, it was right No, it was not right
Debate Score:211
Total Votes:390
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 Yes, it was right (35)
 No, it was not right (14)

Debate Creator

patfroach(41) pic

P2: Was it right for Atticus to break the rules and continue to read to Scout at night?

Yes, it was right

Side Score: 152

No, it was not right

Side Score: 59
7 points

Yes, it was right; following her teacher's rules would repress her intellect.

Side: Yes, it was right
6 points

Scout is smart and the teacher is an ass by saying she cant read. The teacher is the one that isn't smart

Side: Yes, it was right
6 points

The job of a teacher is to better a student's learning not discourage them to stop doing something they love. So, Atticus is right for breaking the rules because he has a bigger power over the teacher. Not only does he get to spend time with Scout, but allows her to go to school as well.

Side: Yes, it was right
6 points

i agree because teachers should be happy that students are learning outside of school.

Side: Yes, it was right
37107(2) Disputed
2 points

The teacher may have a certain way of teaching that will increase her learning and knowledge overall and Atticus home teaching Scout will mess with the plan and utterly stunt how much she Can learn

Side: No, it was not right
6 points

it was right because it is stupid for a teacher to be against learning. Attiicus should be able to teach his own daughter even if it is by accident there's nothin wring with gettin ahead of the class. Atticus is the parent he can decide what is best for his child. It would be like if Roach said,"stop studying outside the classroom" we would all tell him to * off

Side: Yes, it was right
5 points

Yes, because Atticus wanted scout to be smarter than the rest of the class. hes a good chicken you should not vote for me.

Side: Yes, it was right
5 points

i believe it was right. if it is beneficial to the individuals knowledge and future in a positive way then it is absolutely right.

Side: Yes, it was right
5 points

because its not really hurting anyone and if she is going to have an opinion about she should be happy that scout has a good father

Side: Yes, it was right
5 points

He is teaching her but she is ahead so instead of moving her up they keep her in the same grade. He is showing her a better understanding of the world

Side: Yes, it was right
4 points

It's her father. She has no rights to tell her how to live her life.

Side: Yes, it was right
4 points

It was right for Atticus to keep reading to Scout because he is the

parent and he wants to keep educating his child.

Side: Yes, it was right
4 points

yes it was right cause a rule made by the teacher isnt law its a ruke she made but atticus doesnt have to listen to her since the teacher doesnt make the rules for school

Side: Yes, it was right
4 points

I believe it was right because the teacher is not Scouts parent and she shouldn't slow her learning because she wants to teach her

Side: Yes, it was right
4 points

Well first of all atticus is scouts father he should have the right to teach his daughter to read. Because before kids usually go to school now a days they already know how to read a little bit. So he should be able to teach her.

Side: Yes, it was right
4 points

it was right because its not a bad thing to be ahead of the everyone else in the class.

Side: Yes, it was right
4 points

teachers smell funny and all ways look really weird so i dont think we can trust them

Side: Yes, it was right
4 points

Yes, it was morally right. The teacher has no say in how the child should be raised. Being advanced in any subject is showing good teaching skills and improves how others view them. If a teacher is telling them to stop learning, that's not right. Ironic, isn't it? Just because someone teaches differently, doesn't mean it isn't right. In our learning system, we have many different teachers within our school years, who all teach differently.

Side: Yes, it was right
3 points

yeah its like he did a unethical thing be he got doez moral$

Side: Yes, it was right
3 points

Atticus has right to do so because the law says that kids should be in school and he found a way to get Scout to school at the same time she gets want which is to read at night.

Side: Yes, it was right
3 points

I think that it was right for him to do that because it makes it so scout it getting more and better education and it is good because in the future she can be more successful and if scout was trying to get a certain job in the future and i think it was wrong for the teacher to be an ASS like that and get mad but when Atticus said he was gonna do that he is being a savage and doesn't give a S#@% and that dint stop him so he does it and does good of it................

Side: Yes, it was right
2 points

I think it was right because it would help scout be more experienced and successful in her future.

Side: Yes, it was right
37676(3) Clarified
1 point

How exactly does it help her future? she can get the same experience in school

Side: Yes, it was right
2 points

It was right, rules are always being broken by others in the community in a worse way. Atticus is breaking them in a positive way.

Side: Yes, it was right
2 points

I think it was right for Atticus to continue to read to Scout because she is still being educated properly but maybe not how the teacher wants her to be taught.

Side: Yes, it was right
2 points

yes ,because teachers are suposed to teach us, not make us dumber (Roach)

Side: Yes, it was right
1 point

it was right because it is not right to withhold infromation from your family and also it brought scout and Mr. Finch closer in their relationship of a family

Side: Yes, it was right
0 points


Side: Yes, it was right
-3 points
8 points

They should follow the rules in the community they are living in. Atticus is the adult so he should have power over Scout.

Side: No, it was not right
negligent(202) Disputed
1 point

These rules aren't the "community's rules." They're Ms. Caroline Fisher's rules.

Side: Yes, it was right
5 points

The teacher may have a certain way of teaching literacy and Scout learning to read from home could completely mess up the plan she has to teach

Side: No, it was not right
5 points

No because the teacher wants all the students at the same level.

Side: No, it was not right
negligent(202) Disputed
1 point

So is what the teacher wants, always something you have to follow even though you know you're right?

Side: Yes, it was right
5 points

Atticus should respect what the teacher is asking. The teacher is the one that is trying to teach scout and her dad reading with her at home can be a great conflict to the class.

Side: No, it was not right
5 points

He may be helping her but its better if she learns from teachers and peers around her so she doesn't feel alone

Side: No, it was not right
negligent(202) Disputed
1 point

Why would she feel alone if she's getting help at school and extra help at home? Even though she's reading with Atticus at home, she's still going to school.

Side: Yes, it was right
4 points

it wasnt right because he should respect the higher power, the teacher wants her to stay at the same learning level as anyone else. So he shouldve listened to the teacher.

Side: No, it was not right
41488(8) Disputed
6 points

yes but why shouldn't scout be able to be smarter then everyone else in her class? she is already smarter then them so why should she stop?

Side: Yes, it was right
38366(5) Disputed
5 points

she doesnt have higher power just because she is a teacher, i mean atticus is a lawyer adn he probley would have known more if he went to school

Side: Yes, it was right
3 points

The teacher thinks that Scout is learning from Atticus when she should be learning from school. If you learn too quickly, you get too far ahead and you won't be learning at the same level as everyone else.

Side: No, it was not right
38366(5) Disputed
1 point

but then she could be put in advanced classes and then it would be at the same level

Side: Yes, it was right
2 points

Atticus can't mess up the teaching of the school because he never went to school.

Side: No, it was not right
negligent(202) Disputed
1 point

Isn't being a lawyer a quite educated position?_

Side: Yes, it was right
2 points

Teachers are trusted to teach the students a certain subject. By law, currently, your suppose to go to school. You are wasting their time, and not learning the things they teach, you're not helping your education.

Side: No, it was not right
1 point

Ms.Caroline is the teacher she is the one who went to school to teach she is the one certified to actually teach Atticus isnt the teacher and shouldnt be trying to do what he isnt trained for

Side: No, it was not right
negligent(202) Disputed
1 point

Atticus isn't teaching Scout everything. He's just helping her a bit with reading. Sure, teachers should be the ones accountable for teaching kids, but if the teacher is a simple-minded, know-it-all, then maybe Scout would be more respectful towards her way of teaching.

Side: Yes, it was right
1 point

What is P2 ? That some sort of bot material that the bottom dwellers need to post.

Side: No, it was not right
negligent(202) Clarified
1 point

It stands for Period 2. It's probably an 8th grade middle school class responding to the debate.

Side: Yes, it was right
-1 points


Side: No, it was not right