
Debate Info

Pizza Cake
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:19
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 Pizza (4)
 Cake (9)

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Lgikw(12) pic

Pizza or Cake? YOU DECIDE!


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 15
1 point

Pizza because of the many different toppings you can put on it.

Side: Pizza
1 point

Pizza...because I love savory foods!

Side: Pizza

Pizza, because cake doesn't sound appetizing right now.

Side: Pizza
1 point

pizza because its actually more healthier for you :) Cake is very unhealthy for you, and can lead to diabetes, cancer, and other diseases if you didn't know that.

Side: Pizza
handi2013(12) Disputed
1 point

then how about pizza? if the pizza does not give the disease? look ppl that only eat pizza getting really fat.

Side: Cake
1 point

Pizza is actually also really fattening and unhealthy. It is covered in cheese which is pretty much just fat and the base and crust are really fatty, starchy carbs.

Side: Cake
1 point

cake is wonderful, u can put your creativity in making cakes and they have real sensation in eating your own made hand cakes.

pizza just for lazy people that want a good favor

Side: Cake

You can be much more creative and decorative making and decorating a cake than topping a pizza.

And I'm sure there is much more variation in cakes than pizza. Also sweet is better than savoury.

Side: Cake
1 point

Cake, just because I don't get cake as often as I get pizza. Also, I have a HUGE sweet tooth.

Side: Cake
1 point

Cake is awesome, i could eat it every day of my life! I have what you would call a major sweet tooth!! They come in so many different flavors

Side: Cake
1 point

Cake is awesome, i could eat it every day of my life! I have what you would call a major sweet tooth!! They come in so many different flavors

Side: Cake

Cake, I love cake way better than pizza though I love pizza, the deliciousness of cake just TOO DAMN HIGH!!!

Side: Cake

Cake! After all, Marie Antoinette said, "Let Them Eat Cake." She didn't say pizza.

Side: Cake