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Beneficial to the economy Harmful/no effect
Debate Score:101
Total Votes:114
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 Beneficial to the economy (39)
 Harmful/no effect (33)

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jafl(80) pic

Reaganomics, tax cuts and the economy

The effect of Ronald Reagan's tax policies on the economy.

Beneficial to the economy

Side Score: 53

Harmful/no effect

Side Score: 48
3 points

I don't know if I agree with everything he did, but he did cut taxes a lot. Most economists would say that tax cuts are generally good for the economy because the free market allocates resources more efficiently than the government.

He didn't cut spending enough to compensate for the drop in revenues though.

Supporting Evidence: Wikipedia: Reaganomics (
Side: Beneficial to the economy
2 points

In order to have a good credit America has to have a certain amount of debt. I don't know enough about Reagan's spending, though, in order to know if he did it efficiently, though. But debt is good.

But, less government spending is usually good (although, I believe in big government spending for science, education and military).

Side: Beneficial to the economy
3 points

As a real world example as opposed to quoting academics:

I was sitting in a country club the other day with a roundtable of business executives. They were discussing how many factories to shut down to move to low income tax jurisdictions like asia, eastern europe, even Ireland.

Then we also talked about how many businesses they opened back in the 80's IN AMERICA when Reagan reduced the top tax rate by almost 50%.

If you begrudge the rich for being rich, they won't stick around because there are plenty of other places in the world who welcome them with open arms. and i don't want to learn chinese.

Side: Beneficial to the economy
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
2 points

that, or we can get rid of ufair trade laws.

btw, unemployment in the 80's was greater than the 90's, and Clinton raised taxes on the upper class. So how do explain that one?

I don't buy into the "atlas shrugs" bs. Let 'em leave.

Side: Harmful/no effect
UltraMonkey(4) Disputed
1 point

I'd like to bring up one point to your anecdote.

Taxes are not a primary reason that businesses left the US in favor of foreign operations. The greatest incentive towards the exodus is labor costs in America.

$7/hr on an assembly line might not sound like a lot here, but it buys that $7 buys an employee for a week in Taiwan (example) instead of 1hr as it does here.

Side: Harmful/no effect

Tax cuts and less spending is always better for the economy.-------

Side: Beneficial to the economy

Regan did the right thing and got us through that recession. His Regananomics were beneficial to the economy. The government shouldn't be able to tax there way into prosperity.

Side: Beneficial to the economy
1 point

I'd say for the most part, his programs were helpful to the economy (except for the MASSIVE SPENDING part of Reaganomics). The government should try to keep mostly ou tof the way of the free market system (proof-communist governments).

Side: Beneficial to the economy
1 point

One of the primary ways to measure the effects of a tax policy is to analyze job creation. Reagan signed multiple tax reduction bills during his presidency, and over those eight years approximately 20 million jobs were created. Indeed, his economic policies aided in ending a rather unpleasant recession that had begun in the 1970s.

Side: Beneficial to the economy
3 points

Ronald Reagan’s income tax cuts along with his tax reform package of 1986 are credited with increasing federal revenue and sparking an unprecedented period of economic expansion.

But has credit been given where credit is really due? Taxes in one form or another were raised every year Reagan was in the White House except one. If tax cuts are always good for the economy, shouldn’t it be concluded that they are always bad for the economy as well? So what was the net effect of Reagan’s tax policies on the economy- beneficial? Harmful? Or inconsequential because something like tax policy cannot override other factors (money supply, new technologies, cheap imports etcetera)?

In my view the 3rd option is likely the correct option. The economy is too complicated for us to be able to isolate the effects of tax policy on it. In today’s politics tax cuts are considered to be an integral component of conservatism, but tax policy actually has nothing to do with conservatism. The Republican Party has historically supported rather high taxes (namely a protective tariff). Tax cuts didn’t become Republican Policy until the libertarian supply-siders took over the party in 1980, after which they failed to maintain any consistent tax policy so we will never know whether or not their ideas work.

Side: Harmful/no effect
lallijo1(20) Disputed
1 point

Taxes have a huge impact to the economy because in fact they influence business decisions EVERY DAY. Like when my bosses want to move their factory to hongkong because they're afraid of tax hikes and Obamacare healthcare.

Side: Beneficial to the economy
ledhead818(638) Disputed
2 points

Your bosses are afraid of the destruction of the employer based health insurance system? Unless you work for a health insurance company, I'm not sure why they would be scared.

Side: Harmful/no effect
Tugman(749) Disputed
0 points

My cutting taxes you give more money to the people put into the economy thus making it strong.

Side: Beneficial to the economy
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
2 points

Unless they don't spend the money because the majority of the tax cuts are given to the people who don't need to spend it, like what happened with the Bush tax cuts remember, and actually the Reagan ones as well because

1. Reaganomics didn't work no matter how hard you Conservatives keep trying to rewrite history.

2. the minimal "prosperity" you conservatives look back on through rosey glasses actually wasn't all that prosperous.

The longest and strongest stretch of economic expansion happened while Clinton was in office. And as a result of a combination of a bunch of things.

But if you were going to blame a president for an economy, which they do play a hand in, I think Clinton should be the one to emulate.

I mean, why did Conservatives try to distract everyone with the sex stuff? Because his policies worked so damn well that's all they had left.

Side: Harmful/no effect
2 points

Government doesn't consume wealth. It spends it just like an individual or a private sector company does (on roads, schools, etc.). So there is no economic basis to say that high taxes hurt of help an economy, because the only difference is /who/ is controlling the cash flow.

Side: Harmful/no effect
jafl(80) Disputed
0 points

If cutting taxes gives people more money to spend, how does raising taxes not give the government more money to spend so that the same amount of money ends up being put into the economy?

Side: Harmful/no effect
3 points

We have tried supply-side economics before, it just doesn't work. I really wish I could find a citation for this, but I couldn't because it was on NPR about a month ago, but they had an economist talking about the stimulus package and things like that and he said that tax cuts are four times more effective at stimulating the economy when given to the lower and middle class than when given to the upper class. It makes sense when you think about it. Working families will spend their money right away to pay for bills, food, gas and things like that. However upper class families might save the money or invest it in such a way that doesn't directly stimulate the economy.

To quote Noble Prize winning economist Paul Krugman "When Ronald Reagan was elected, the supply-siders got a chance to try out their ideas. Unfortunately, they failed." Under Reagan public debt tripled, job growth was just average for a twentieth century president, unemployment was higher, private investment decreased, and real wages decreased. Reagan started the huge national debt that has not been payed off even today. And his system of deregulation led to a recession. Just like it did during the Great Depression. And just like it did in 2008. When will you conservatives understand that Reagan was a bad president. I do not understand why you all love him so much. And please stop espousing his moron economic theories. History has shown that they don't work.

Side: Harmful/no effect
jafl(80) Disputed
1 point

"...but they had an economist talking about the stimulus package and things like that and he said that tax cuts are four times more effective at stimulating the economy when given to the lower and middle class than when given to the upper class."

I seriously doubt this. Tax cuts for people that don’t pay taxes are not tax cuts but rather welfare.

Furthermore, in an era of rising prices (as we had in 1980-81 and again now) giving subsidies to the working poor will simply cause prices to go up even more before the economy doesn’t have the agricultural and manufacturing capacity to meet the demand that already exists.

Side: Beneficial to the economy
ledhead818(638) Disputed
1 point

Just out of curiosity since when do working class families not pay taxes? I think you might have misread working class as poor for some reason.

Also could you please explain how the agricultural and manufacturing sectors don't have the capacity to meet demand.

Side: Harmful/no effect
lallijo1(20) Disputed
1 point

i don't disagree in theory. but not because there is no capacity. we actually have excess capacity right now. For instance, 10% of the labor force is sitting at home right now. Also, look around and notice that only about 40% of capacity is being used in our factories. it wouldn't be this way if we didnt destroy our banking system.

Side: Harmful/no effect
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

O RLY? an economist said something about how tax cuts are bad?

let me mention another economist who says that not only are tax cuts good, but Laissez Faire capitalism is the best. In fact, he's one of the most prestige and well known economists of all time. Adam Smith.

Paul Krugman is openly liberal and believes that liberal mentality is the only right mentality. Think of Rush Limbaugh, but as a liberal... you'd get Paul Krugman (with a radio show).

I don't mind what you have to say (slam Reaganomics) but the way you did it was kind of... eh. Like I said, economists all have different views on the economy. We should look more to experience. Reagan's era was a great one for the market. It's possible that he just got lucky, and anyone can argue that forever, but to say that certain economists are against tax cuts makes Reaganomics wrong just kind of ruins the whole debate.

Side: Beneficial to the economy
ledhead818(638) Disputed
2 points

Oh wow, that was an egregious error in reading comprehension. I kind of feel bad for you. I am amazed at how you managed to misinterpret what I said so extremely.

I didn't say he said tax cuts are bad. I said that the economist said that tax cuts are more effective when given to people of the middle class rather than upper class.

And Adam Smith may be the father of modern economics, but that does not make him correct, just as most of Frued's theories (the father of modern psychology) have been proven to not be entirely right.

I'm not sure how the fact that Paul Krugman is liberal invalidates any of his theories. He thinks liberalism is the best mentality. You think being a libertarian is the best mentality. You can't discredit someone solely based upon their philosophy, you should look at the substance of what they are saying. And are you really trying to compare a Nobel Prize winning economist to a hate-mongering wing-bag with no recognition outside of his extreme group of followers.

"I don't mind what you have to say (slam Reaganomics) but the way you did it was kind of... eh."

Oh really good argument. I was too "eh" with my statements.

Side: Harmful/no effect
1 point

just wondering: what's all the "O RLY?" stuff about? Is it just another way to say "oh really"?

Just curious.

Side: Beneficial to the economy
1 point

When all of your jobs are given to the Chinese, you will have a different view on Reganomics. Is this website a republican propaganda instrument? It's strange that the two possible views one can vote on are "Beneficial" or "NO EFFECT/Harmful". Why not devide into 3 categories?

Side: Harmful/no effect
1 point

Everyone allways talks about how great cax cuts are, but when you look more closely, our congress could cut our taxes by 10% and it doesn't make a big difference on the individual lower or middle class tax payer. Regan opened the door for corporate America to give an ENORMOUS number of our jobs to foriegners... Walk into any store and grab any item off the shelf. See how long it takes you to find an item that was nmade in the U.S.A.

Side: Harmful/no effect

Some people lost their jobs through Reaganomics who were loyal employees.

Side: Harmful/no effect