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Religious quote, your thoughts.

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own, you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20


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1 point

My thoughts are of who bought my body? Did I buy it? I don't remember doing so.

Did my parents buy it? Why is their purchase weighing on my shoulders?

Also, if we are simply renting our bodies, is there any competition I can go to for better prices or more leniency in my contract contract? Or how about he just let me out of my contract all together. Is there some way I can maybe buy my body back, I prefer to own rather than rent.

1 point

I actually agree with parts of that quote, and I explained why in an argument that I made in another debate:

If you were to look at an oak tree, you would see what an acorn has become. They are not two separate things, but rather an oak tree is just a grown up acorn. And on that oak tree are leaves, twigs and more acorns. Those are not separate from the tree, but are part of the tree... They ARE the tree. Eventually acorns fall off and grow into oak trees themselves, giving us the illusion of separate trees... But if those acorns that are now oaks once belonged to a single oak tree, then they are still that one tree. It's like cutting a pizza into slices. You have different slices, but they are still the same pizza.

Well, everything you see on this planet grew from this planet, just like acorns growing from a single tree. We as humans, grew from the combination of our father's sperm and our mother's egg. We ARE those things, and those are part of our parents. And everything in our universe came from a single point, the Big Bang, if you believe in that. That single point was the acorn from which everything in the universe came from.

That creative force, whether it was from two atoms, God, whatever, is as much US, as an acorn is an oak tree. Everything in this universe is ONE. You see, we complain that there is no evidence of God... But as it turns out, if this theory is correct... Then we ARE God. Everything is God and we are everything. Religions have been saying this for thousands of years. Though, I would say that no religion is entirely correct, therefore there is no need to commit to a single one. So if you look up into the sky, you will see stars and planets that came from the exact same point that you did, the seed of creation. Those stars are not miles away from you, they simply are you... And so is everything else, because everything you see is just an oak that was once an acorn.

"Science and religion are two different languages telling the same story."

DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

So you're a pantheist, believing that God is everything even us?

Also I'd like to say, the pizza is not a good example to be compared to a zygote or even an acorn. The pizza under went a mechanical change, yes, but it's still even called pizza. The acorn underwent a chemical change and and not coincidentally a name change to recognize that this is a different thing.

One more thing. Even if we are God, we have a piece of him in us, passed down from the big bang, or whatever started it all, why does this quote have to mean not to do anything to harm your body, when if you are God this may be your desire.

GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

So you're a pantheist, believing that God is everything even us?

If you can call IT God. I don't call myself anything though, but I guess that title would be fair.

Also I'd like to say, the pizza is not a good example to be compared to a zygote or even an acorn.

Think of pizza in terms of the dough that connects it. Your father's sperm was once connected to him, and your mother's egg was connected to her ... And you were once connected to your mother. Is cutting the umbilical cord not similar to slicing a pizza? You can use any example you want though. Everything on this planet has it's roots from the same place.

The acorn underwent a chemical change and and not coincidentally a name change to recognize that this is a different thing.

That is the illusion. It grew, just as you and I grow. We were an infant at one time, we were an egg and a sperm at one time. Remove one and you would not exist. Remove a great grandparent and you would not exist. Go all the way down to our original form, as cells in the ocean, or whatever. Remove that and we would not exist.

One more thing. Even if we are God, we have a piece of him in us, passed down from the big bang, or whatever started it all, why does this quote have to mean not to do anything to harm your body, when if you are God this may be your desire.

I agree with parts of the quote.

GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

Even if we are God, we have a piece of him in us, passed down from the big bang, or whatever started it all, why does this quote have to mean not to do anything to harm your body, when if you are God this may be your desire.

Also, what makes you think that quote is referring to physical harm, rather than life itself?

1 point

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own, you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

This verse means to me that Christians shouldn't smoke, do drugs, drink alcohol, have sex before marriage, masturbate, and do things to harm their own body because they have the temple of the Holy Spirit within them and it's not our body anymore but God's. That is why He is saying that we are bought with a price because of what Christ did for us, we are no longer slaves to sin but we are now a new creation in Christ.

DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

Note, I'm not trying to be hostile, I'm asking an innocent question. A question that doesn't mock religion, or ask absurd things. How does masturbation or sex before marriage harm one's self? I'm totally on board with the other ones. Smoking causes lung damage, among other health defects. Alcohol kills brain cells, among other health defects. Sex before marriage, I have no proof that before or after marriage has any effect on health, but I do have soruces stating the health benefits to masturbation.

Srom(12206) Clarified
1 point

Masturbation actually does harm oneself. When men ejaculate they lose 2-5 milligrams of zinc. Zinc is an important factor to us men because it's one of the primary minerals that are body utilizes to produce testosterone. The more you ejaculate, the more zinc you lose every time you masturbate. And the more zinc you lose that means the less testosterone you'll have. The less testosterone you have the less manly you feel. Also if you masturbate too much it can cause hormonal imbalance in your body and if you cause hormonal imbalances in your body, you will have as a result psychological and physiological imbalances. That's why sometimes people can't think straight, can't remember, having migraine headaches, lower back pains, pains in legs, feeling tired all the time and that's because of masturbation.

And when you do that you are causing alteration to your chemical makeup of your body and that is a sin against God because if you look in the Bible at 1 Corinthians 6:12-13 I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything. 13 You say, “Food for the stomach and the stomach for food, and God will destroy them both.” The body, however, is not meant for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.


Having sex before marriage is harmful because you never know if your partner your having sex is going to have an STD, or that person could have slept with other people. They just want to have sex and they'll lie to get there way. Christ even spoke that the marriage bed should be kept pure.

lolzors93(3225) Disputed
1 point

You should read what comes right before this passage. ;)

It is best for one to remain celibate than to choose marriage.