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 Remember how Socialist Europe hated America's superpower status as the world's police? (10)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Remember how Socialist Europe hated America's superpower status as the world's police?

Europe, be careful what you wish for. You are now living the nightmare of a world free from American influence. Obama's America has givien up on super power status and instead relies on the United Nations (LOL) to help keep order. Europes borders are being over run by refugees. So many that they had to shut down their borders. It's a human catastrophy and created when America walked away from foreign policy, allowing the evil of the world to take the upper hand. Europe does very little to fight against Terrorism in other nations. They just let us do the dirty work.

The GOP always understood that peace is kept through strength, and when you give up that strength, you envite what we are seeing in the middle East. Russia and China will now dictate the direction of these nations while the Democrats focus on Global warming, gun control, shrinking the military, and a miriad of Liberal agendas.
Europe should have loved America footing the bill so many times to keep the peace, but what did they do? They whined and complained everytime we took the lead to fight terrorism or evil around the world.
If Obama had not declared to Issis and other terrorists the exact date we were pulling out of Iraq, and instead left some military there to further train Iraqies to fend for themselves, maybe we would not be seeing Isis taking over the middle east.
Obama's foreign policy is basically allowing Russia, China, Iran, Syria, North Korea, etc. to set the agendas.
Obama seemingly has no problem with Iran (a nation that chants death to America) to get nuclear weapons down the road. Obama wants to free up 100's of billions of dollars back to Iran to further their fanatical hatred around the world.

It's getting very scary but don't worry, Democrats are planning to raise your electricty rates with new mandates against companies that have carbon emmisions. That will fix the world's problems right? This of course will take away America's ability to compete with the nations who will do nothing to curb their carbon emmisions. It has not even been proven if so called Global warming is man made and a complete waste of time if it is not a world wide action.
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1 point

I don't want your American influence. Not at least the one that you support.

USA has kept the peace? They went to war, indeed. Do you know an antonyms for war? You can guess it, common. You're right, it's peace.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

I gaurantee you many Europeans will be screaming for America to do something to help them out because they never seem capable of helping with the problems in arab nations.

They are reaping wht they asked for.

Maybe they will start having some respect for what America has done so many times to stop evil.

ThinkerLad(267) Disputed
2 points

You say 'problems in Arab nations' like it is nothing to do with America. America is probably one of the biggest contributions to the unrest in Arab countries.

The US says it goes to war for 'perpetual peace', yet look at things over there, they're not getting any better.

Only until oil runs out will America remove itself from Arabia.

Iulmi(252) Disputed
1 point

And, by problems with the Arab nations you mean the refugees? Or maybe you are talking about the oil and the petroleum. Or it's just that you're a pacifist and want the world to rest in peace (ahem)

What can USA to do about the refugees? Nothing. Unless your country is willing to take some, fantastic, but they are a lot and keep coming. What do we do with them? Kill them? We send them back?

Give me your brilliant idea that you made I don't know where of how to solve the problems of the world, please.

Oh wait. Isn't there in the USA a barrier with Mexico?

Here is the answer that Europe gave: now they are in Turkey, there are not really in war anymore. We had, and have a lot of immigrants recently. The awesome solution were barriers (note my sarcasm), but you can't block the sea. Now refugees? Okay, barriers again. They're cool.

I don't have the answer of how to solve this problem. But I think it's stupid that the first thing that is done is that. It does not help at all.

1 point

The GOP always understood that peace is kept through strength

Hence why America is 18 trillion in debt.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Typical Liberal response. Blame the 18 trillion debt on our military which has already taken huge cuts because of the sequestor.

Entitlement programs, medicaid, welfare, free subsidies, etc. etc. are huge resons for our debt and Democrats refuse to cut any social programs. They would rather just cut the defense of our nation which helps all americans, not just people living off tax payers.

Oh I forgot, those people living off tax payers vote for Democrats and is why the Democrats will never cut social programs.

They won't even cut Planned parenthood that sell baby organs. WHAT FOOLS!

1 point

Perhaps there is a little anti American feelings among a minority of European Socialists but the overwhelming majority of Europeans know the great sacrifice the United States made during WW2 to extract their nations from the ravages of war and the horrors of life under a brutal Nazi Germany. Without American wherewithal, know how, brilliant leadership and courage a second front would never have been possible and the absence of America in the European theatre of war would have meant German domination over most of Europe as Russia and the U.K, could not have achieved victory without the drain on the German military machine in the west. ''The Yanks'' did all this whilst fighting the the war lords of Japan and their formidable, well equipped fanatical military. Since then American might and determination has seen off an aggressive U.S.S.R., and is currently maintaining a check on a confrontational Russia and an expansionist China. Make no mistake, all non prejudiced Europeans, and that is almost all of them, recognize that the United States of America has been the foremost force for good and the vanguard in the fight for freedom and equality for more than 100 years. When aggressive crackpot regimes and deranged dictators such as we see in North Korea it is to the U.S, that the free world looks for cover. As America's industrial and military is challenged, ( temporarily) so the free western nations begin to develop a furrowed brow. You are wrong in your assessment of the extent of ''dislike'' ( NOT HATRED) for American influence in the world. Most of us say, nay shout from the roof tops, GOD BLESS AMERICA.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

I agree with what you say about America. I disagree with your claim about much of socialist Europe. In most of my life I have heard little praise for America from these nations. I'm not talking way back around the time of the ww2. I'm talking these past 40 years.

They have benefitted so many times from us doing the dirty work and I can not remember ONE THANK YOU from them when we went after the Taliban, or ISIS, or Bin Laden, or Russia, etc. etc. Maybe you are expressing the admiration of the people in those nations for what we have done but I see very little praises from their governments. Socialism is at odds with capitalist nations and they take many opportunities to bad mouth our system.

Kalamazoo(333) Clarified
1 point

Well, I do agree that the snooty and socialist French like to make disparaging comments about the Americans and the British. This, in my opinion is only to mask their shocking capitulation to Nazi Germany during WW2. How the Frog masses cheered and appaulded the American G.Is as they paraded down the Champs Elysee have forgotten the sacrifice the American troops and people made to free them from the tyranny of German rule. Most, if not all Brits hold the United States and it's people in the highest esteem as do many other European Nations such as Italy and Ireland. Everyone is aware that it was the Yanks who made the old U.S.S.R, back away from their expansionist plans for annexing most of western Europe and keeping the Islamic terrorist filth in check. Yes the time has come for some of the more wealthy states, such as Germany, and to a lesser extent France to pick up the baton and share in the expense of protecting themselves.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

I would agree with you when you said my words "hated" were a little over the top. Dislike is a better term.