
Debate Info

Debate Score:44
Total Votes:44
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addltd(5144) pic


This is the Twenty Fourth in an ongoing series of spotlight debates.  The purpose of the debate is to "roast" the user (and when I say "roast", I mean in a nice way).  Please share all the good, humorous, and otherwise positive aspects about this important user of our community.  Don't worry, I will be creating one of these every few days so your name may show up next!


Jessald's Profile -


Twenty Third in the series - altarion -


Twenty Fifth in the series - Cuaroc -

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From what I can remember, Jessald had good arguments because he believed in free markets, and he will be missed because he was the VERY FIRST PERSON TO RESPOND TO MY FIRST DEBATE. THANKS!!!

First Debate

2 points

1243 days ago!?? Dang this website makes me feel old sometimes. Jeezalou

2 points

It's so nice seeing all the seniors of CD gathering in one place.

Careful. I resemble that remark ;)

why do you make spotlight series on users who havent been on in forever???

4 points

I create spotlight debates for a number of reasons.

1. Making sure all the members of the site know I care about the fact they are here and make the site the site. Without them there is no content.

2. Recognition of contribution...spotlights by point total...

3. It drives more traffic...people expect to see them

4. It drives more traffic...if someone comes to the site today, they can link back to all of the old spotlights

5. People get to know who is who via the comments under each spotlight (both the spotlight person and responder).

2 points

Why are there statues and memorials of people who died several centuries ago?

fine, you win

1 point

Because these people have a lot of points which means they've contributed a lot to the site... it wouldn't make sense to skip over certain people? Sunset hasn't been around for a long time but she posted on here just today.

ya but i dont understand how he could have joined 1665 days ago, last been online 1665 days ago, and have as many points as he does.....

1 point

This dude left about two months before I arrived... his loss I guess.

1 point

Hellyess it was!!


1 point

Drat 20 points behind.

1 point

30 i should say

jonathangoh(1726) Clarified
1 point

Quite good already

1 point

Looks like you will be in the top 25! !

1 point

In just 210 days??? You point whore you! ;)

1 point

says the person with 6755 points.

1 point

Actually, Hellno you average 11.23 points/day. Cuaroc averages 8.98 points/day.

My own average is 8.43/day. Point whores.

1 point

He seemed sort of Liberal but reasonable because he, in general, believed in limited government interference with the market. He understood the issues that government brought to market forces.

1 point

We pretty much never agreed about anything. But I gotta say he was a great debater put me in ma place alotss..

Last argument : 665 days ago

Days he has not been online : about 1000 days which means about 3 years

I sometimes feel that next time, the person in the SPOTLIGHT SERIES might only have 1 point

addltd(5144) Clarified
1 point

Curious thought...can you elaborate ?

jonathangoh(1726) Clarified
1 point

Lesser people are joining the site. So that means if the number of SPOTLIGHT SERIES is posted faster than the number of people joining the site then there is a possibility that the person in SPOTLIGHT SERIES may be one point only

I'm only 49th. SAD FACE ;(