
Debate Info

Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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addltd(5125) pic


This is the Thirty Third in an ongoing series of spotlight debates. The purpose of the debate is to "roast" the user (and when I say "roast", I mean in a nice way). Please share all the good, humorous, and otherwise positive aspects about this important user of our community. Don't worry, I will be creating one of these every few days so your name may show up next!


Kinda's Profile -


Thirty Second in the series - Akulakhan -


Thirty Fourth in the series - Apollo -


Add New Argument
3 points

You know Prodigee loves the hulk a lot. Seeing this guys profile pic reminds me of Prodigee a lot.

1 point

True, true... and his arguments and debates too but of course Prodigee is new to the site and we all know he would never lie. ;)

Kinda was a angry debater with very colorful language, maybe he wasn't hugged enough as a child.

I kinda like him ;)

Celebrate christmas with a new christmas hat :)

Jessieulle(9) Disputed
1 point

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1 point

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1 point

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