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Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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PhxDemocrat(13095) pic


Do you believe the story in the Bible where Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 5
1 point

Yes, I believe it did happen. You can look up "Lot's Wife" on Google, and there is a pillar of salt that still is standing today.

Side: Yes
2 points

I thought the animals in the area used her as a salt lick and that there wasn't anything left of her by now.

Side: Yes
1 point



Side: Yes
1 point

I can't think of any reason why I shouldn't. All sorts of things happen in the world, even today, for which there is no suitable physics explanation.

Side: Yes

Yes, if you are a Christian, you would know that... right?? I have no evidence except from the bible.. Look it up yourself..

Side: Yes
2 points

The tale is in the telling.

Maybe she could not leave the path of sin and so "figuratively" speaking turned to salt meaning she turned away from the righteous path.

Because of the times that religious writings were done they require interpretation and should not be taken literally

We need to keep an open mind to what they meant at the time they were written

Side: No
2 points

No. People dont turn into salt. I also dont think the story ever happened at all. I dont think Soddam and Gamora were real places and i dont think Lot existed.

Side: No
1 point

No, I do not believe this story. However many books say that it did happen but I don't believe it could be possible. Well if its religious then according to the Christian religion it is true. More info is available on the link below. Please read.

Supporting Evidence: Wikipedia (
Side: No