
Debate Info

Protect the children!!! Good Grief!
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:13
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 Protect the children!!! (1)
 Good Grief! (7)

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Hellno(17724) pic

School Bans Halloween, Columbus Day, Good Idea?

A Somerville principal has opened fire on cherished American holidays, blasting legendary explorer Christopher Columbus for “atrocities” and saying “we need to be careful” about celebrating Thanksgiving in a scathing email to teachers — who are already under orders not to let the kids dress up for Halloween.

Good grief! I think I am going to be sick!

Protect the children!!!

Side Score: 1

Good Grief!

Side Score: 10
1 point

Why would school ban Columbus day? Its when Columbus discovered the new world which is the USA and if it wasn't for him to discover it then we would be in a different country and not free. Thank You Jesus for Christopher Columbus and that he listened to you and actually found answers in your Bible.

Side: Protect the children!!!
garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

"Its when Columbus discovered the new world which is the USA"

This is for most part true.

"if it wasn't for him to discover it then we would be in a different country and not free."

No thats not true at all, you can't say what would or wouldn't have happened had columbus not discovered the new world. One thing is for certain it would have still been discovered. Also, Columbus had nothing to do with freedom, he subjected the native populations to abominable treatment, he slaughtered thewm at will and used their livers to makes purses, and puches. He authorised the most barbaric treatment, and was responsible cruel punishment of the natives as he considered them animals and uncivilised. Not very Christian if you ask me.

"Thank You Jesus for Christopher Columbus "

Those two men existed in different time peridos, therefore they never came into contact with one another, therefore Jesus had nothing to do with Columbus discovering the new world.

Side: Good Grief!
2 points

Garry, you know you're going to acquire a nervous tick if you remain on this site for much longer. LOL

Side: Good Grief!
1 point

I don't know about the whole "Christopher Columbus discovered America"....But for the most part I agree with what you're saying.

Side: Good Grief!
2 points

Freedom of religion, assholes. I agree with suppressing the rights of children, but not the rights to celebrate a holiday in a very minor way.

If everyone is wearing a costume at the same time, what could possibly distract them? The best costume? Gimme a break.

And really... who gives a shit about Columbus Day? Nobody. He brought a plague and established the genocide of an entire race of people. What people REALLY care about is the day off! What's wrong with a day off?

Side: Good Grief!

This sounds like a job for Quailman!

And his trusty companion.....

Side: Good Grief!


Side: Good Grief!
1 point

WOW!!!! these people are crazy! the original reason for halloween was to dress up in scary customes to scare away the evil spirits!!! why would they ban something like that!?

Side: Good Grief!