
Debate Info

Invasion day Australia Day
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Invasion day (2)
 Australia Day (1)

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DEADLY(8) pic

Should Australia Day should be called Invasion Day?

Many aboriginals believe that Australia  day shouldn't be  celebrated and should be renamed Invasion Day

Invasion day

Side Score: 2

Australia Day

Side Score: 1
1 point

Invasion day is celebrated when it is a day of rape and murder.

Side: Invasion day
1 point

Unlike what happened to the native Americans and the blacks, the form of slavery that the Brits and Irish did to the Aboriginese was much less abusive, oftentimes letting families stick together in a less well furnished part of the house they served.

Raw whipping was extremely unheard of but not entirely unheard of. They preferred to be more gentle and used a paddle or tassled miniwhip and it was more about making the slave submit than retributively hurting them.

I'm not saying it was okay, but I am saying it was closer to okay than what you're trying to relate it to here. Raping them was very, very rare.

Side: Australia Day
1 point

While the tolerant and majestic Africans and Arabs still have slaves to this very day...

Side: Invasion day