
Debate Info

Yes, Based on Ability/ Skill No, OR, Limit Legislation
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:16
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 Yes, Based on Ability/ Skill (5)
 No, OR, Limit Legislation (8)

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KNHav(1957) pic

Should We Allow Illegal Aliens to Obtain Professions Licenses

Should Illegal Aliens be allowed to obtain professions licenses that give opportunities and careers to Aliens in Legal status. Professional licenses, including Teaching Children in our American Schools?    

There are States that have OR are considering legislation that will open doors for illegal aliens to hold professional licenses in America. Although there is some degree of fairness to this motion, what is the best approach in order to address the problems fairly.

Yes, Based on Ability/ Skill

Side Score: 5

No, OR, Limit Legislation

Side Score: 9

I think Illegal aliens can be trusted to act like idiots!

We need more idiots to be put in dangerous positions!

Allows them to die off quicker!

When illegal aliens are giving professional licenses they are put into far more dangerous positions!

Kill 'em off.

Side: Yes, Based on Ability/ Skill
KNHav(1957) Disputed
1 point

Generalizations are not an acceptable argument.

Please breakdown how a child who comes with a parent, goes to school in K or 1st grade, goes from there all the way through high school, graduates, looking where to go next. Please tell me for this group of illegal aliens, what we in concience should handle their lives an/or future in America?

The path of citizenship should be denied to illegal aliens.

And also allowing green card permanent residency should be denied.

The movement, such as in NY, are in regard to the children they brought, under 2nd grade, and how to handle an Americanized child, raised in our school system.

And that's the sympathetic plea by these NY lawmakers, and a reasonable intelligent response would be to break the legislation.

Yes to the common sense part, regarding young children (restricted to 2nd grade and under) period!

My approach is to give windows of opportunities to children who are here, not of their own doing. The children that were caught in the cross-hairs, have become Americanized, and have proven to be good students, and good citizens.

With community mentoring and an excitement from their student piers this can make a great impact on our youth and encourage Patriotism in these immigrant children, while encouraging Patriotism in our own children, and in the community.

I am opposed to the open door these law makers propose, but want to address the concern of these children, who really, are without a Country.

I want to encourage Patriotism, forgive them for the sins of their parents, and create a path of citizenship for children that have become part of America at a young age.

Children clearest memories of home are America.

Side: No, OR, Limit Legislation
1 point

Please breakdown how a child who comes with a parent, goes to school in K or 1st grade, goes from there all the way through high school, graduates, looking where to go next. Please tell me for this group of illegal aliens, what we in concience should handle their lives an/or future in America?

Let me tell you for the hijackers of illegal ruffians, how we by compassion could handle their spirits and potential in America?

Side: Yes, Based on Ability/ Skill
KNHav(1957) Clarified
1 point

Also, you answered yes. You should be on the no side.

I am on the side that says "no, or (yes) with limits"

Side: Yes, Based on Ability/ Skill
1 point

Also, you answered yes. You should be on the no side.

I am on the side that says "no, or (yes) with limits"

The argument depended on their skills.

With the right skills in idiocy (yes, idiocy and hooligan making is a skill), we could allow illegal aliens to destroy themselves through obtaining licenses.

The answer ought to be yes.

Side: No, OR, Limit Legislation
-1 points

How do we know whether illegal immigrant kids will become more patriotic if they are taught in our schools?

If some children were teachable, then this may be a good idea, but if they weren't teachable, what else can be done to instill patriotism?

So kids are just naturally destructive and spiteful.

Kids who are raised by dumb illegal parents tend to end up being dumb themselves.

IQ is hereditary, meaning that dumb parents have dumb kids.

You can't teach dumb kids.

They're unteachable.

Side: Yes, Based on Ability/ Skill
KNHav(1957) Clarified
1 point

How do we know whether illegal immigrant kids will become more patriotic if they are taught in our schools?

The idea is to put into Social Studies and History courses a Civic Community Course that grows with the children through every year's curiculum, with an outline of Good Moral Values and Fun similar to Daisies/Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Boy Scout and Eagle Scouts, which all teach good citizenship, encourage community service, and also give children a sense of comradery with positive peer support, and adult mentorship.;medium=banner&utm;campaign=scoutingdot_org

And high schools have JROTC, which are Army based high school training, they also instill a strong sense of moral integrity, team, with a strong support of peers and mentors.

If some children were teachable, then this may be a good idea, but if they weren't teachable, what else can be done to instill patriotism?

You do realize this generalization isn't a worthwhile statement, let alone an approach to convince anyone of a point.

So kids are just naturally destructive and spiteful.

Even more of a reason to do this program.

Kids who are raised by dumb illegal parents tend to end up being dumb themselves.

All children can learn, especially when they are fun group activities with their classmates. And it will encourage Patriotism. All of these programs are choc full of American values and Patriotism.

Supporting Evidence: High School JROTC Programs


Supporting Evidence: High School JROTC Programs (
Side: Yes, Based on Ability/ Skill
1 point

The idea is to put into Social Studies and History courses a Civic Community Course that grows with the children through every year's curiculum, with an outline of Good Moral Values and Fun similar to Daisies/Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Boy Scout and Eagle Scouts, which all teach good citizenship, encourage community service, and also give children a sense of comradery with positive peer support, and adult mentorship.

Hang on there.

I think IQ tests need to be put forth in order to test whether a child is eligible for education or not.

Any kids who fail an IQ test are not eligible for education, since they lack the ability to appropriately retain the knowledge required for education.

I don't think kids could retain a greater brainwave if they don't grasp the knowledge properly.

The thing is, if you teach somebody with low IQ's, all that happens to them is that they distort the knowledge while not understanding the context.

People with low IQ's fail to understand the meaning of context, for instance.

Children with low IQ's fail to understand the full depth of science, mathematics, etc.

I really think IQ tests should be performed to test illegal immigrant children of mental deficiencies.

Side: No, OR, Limit Legislation
1 point

For this debate Yes side - means you agree Aliens should be allowed to obtain licenses like teaching, or other

No, or Limit on the other side is No under no condition, or only limited circumstances

Explain your argument for any of these positions. Thank you

My argument for Limit Legislation

Should we allow illegal aliens to be licensed for professions, such as licensed to teach children in our schools?

There are States that have or are considering measures to open doors for illegal aliens to hold professional licenses here in America. There is some fairness to the motion, but as everything else it thoughtfully approached to address the problems fairly.

We need a fair approach to select individuals here illegally in our country, but without rewarding illegal aliens and without unfairness to our citizens and those here legally.

Instead of writing legislation to lower our standards in licensing that open doors for illegal aliens to pursue positions in our society that don't belong to them. We should be fair, but also firm.

We should create citizenship for kids from ages 18 to 21 (12th grade to college school years) for that period of time to have a window of opportunity to apply for citizenship, without repercussion. But, they need to meet a standard of criteria. They can't just have arrived or came later in school years, in their tween and teen years. The people we are making the exception for here are the illegal immigrants that only know America as their home.

If a child was brought here and spent most of his/her early elementary school years with us, THEN we should adopt him into America. It’s KIND, and it’s American, to let them integrate and become a true American citizen.

Should we allow illegal aliens to be licensed for professions, such as licensed to teach children in our schools?

There are States that have or are considering measure to open doors for illegal aliens to hold professional licenses here in America. There is some fairness to the motion, but as everything else it thoughtfully approached to address the problems fairly.

We need a fair approach to select individuals here illegally in our country, but without rewarding illegal aliens and without unfairness to our citizens and those here legally.

Instead of writing legislation to lower our standards in licensing that open doors for illegal aliens to pursue positions in our society that don't belong to them. We should be fair, but also firm.

We should create citizenship for kids from ages 18 to 21 (12th grade to college school years) for that period of time to have a window of opportunity to apply for citizenship, without repercussion. But, they need to meet a standard of criteria. They can't just have arrived or came later in school years, in their tween and teen years. The people we are making the exception for here are the illegal immigrants that only know America as their home.

If a child was brought here and spent most of his/her early elementary school years with us, then we should adopt him into America. It’s KIND, and American's are kind. It's fair to let them integrate and become a true American citizen.

If he/she has been in our schools since 1st or 2nd grade, it was not their fault. So for an open window 18 to 21 years of age with all his school records, medical records, and whatever other records required by immigration, teacher and other letters of recommendations, any acts of citizenship, and with reasonable testing and background approvals, no major social problems or behaviors. Then this isn't just a blown open stupid door and another example of giving America away.

The benefit is the growth of patriotism, with the child groomed by fair expectations and pride in patriotism from Kindergarten, or the 1st or 2nd grades.

Citizenship can be like Confirmation or Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Make it a party day! Something they can get exited and patriotic about from an early age.

Isn't that a more than generous opportunity? To be American is a big deal and a huge privilege, if we don't value Patriotism how can we expect them to?

We can’t just give illegal aliens the privilege of pursuing professional licenses, till after righting the wrong with allegiance and citizenship.

Common sense approaches with reasonable limits are a fair approach to this dilemma, while we maintain our boundaries, upholds our laws, without compromising the value of American citizenship.

Open Legislation to Professional Licensing sends the wrong message. It devalues American opportunity and breeds attitudes of entitlement, a disregard for our laws AND devalues the privilege of being an American citizen.

Supporting Evidence: NY Moves to Allow Ilegals to Teach in Schools (
Side: No, OR, Limit Legislation
1 point

Of course not.

Listen up:

The term "illegal alien" is a leftist liberal euphemism.

A far more accurate term is "Criminal."

So why should we allow them to receive ANY sort of benefits? Or licensures?

The only thing they should receive is a quick deportation out of my country.

Side: No, OR, Limit Legislation
KNHav(1957) Clarified
1 point

I absolutely agree with you on closing the door to illegal immigration.

And I agree, it is a criminal act.

The path of citizenship should be denied to illegal aliens.

And also allowing green card permanent residency should be denied.

The movement, such as in NY, are in regard to the children they brought, under 2nd grade, and how to handle an Americanized child, raised in our school system.

And that's the sympathetic plea by these NY lawmakers, and a reasonable intelligent response would be to break the legislation.

Yes to the common sense part, regarding young children (restricted to 2nd grade and under) period!

My approach is to give windows of opportunities to children who are here, not of their own doing. The children that were caught in the cross-hairs, have become Americanized, and have proven to be good students, and good citizens.

With community mentoring and an excitement from their student piers this can make a great impact on our youth and encourage Patriotism in these immigrant children, while encouraging Patriotism in our own children, and in the community.

I am opposed to the open door these law makers propose, but want to address the concern of these children, who really, are without a Country.

I want to encourage Patriotism, forgive them for the sins of their parents, and create a path of citizenship for children that have become part of America at a young age.

Children clearest memories of home are America.

Side: Yes, Based on Ability/ Skill
KNHav(1957) Clarified
1 point

Generalizations aren't an acceptable argument in context of this debate we are talking about a select group of illegal aliens.

Please breakdown how a child who comes with a parent, goes to school in K or 1st grade, goes from there all the way through high school, graduates, looking where to go next. Please tell me for this group of illegal aliens, how we in conscience should handle their lives an/or future in America?

Side: Yes, Based on Ability/ Skill
1 point

Generalizations aren't an acceptable argument in context of this debate we are talking about a select group of illegal aliens.

Skimming the surface isn't an efficient counter-attack for the foundations of our understanding, yet we are mentioning a chosen group of illegal aliens.

Side: Yes, Based on Ability/ Skill

Until such time they have legal status, I say no. We should not reward law breakers.

Side: No, OR, Limit Legislation
2 points

The Democratic party in our country is considered to be a party with "no solutions". We the people should consider wondering why the Democratic party a party that lies to the people to gain being in position of an interest that's not in the interest of the American people would understand that they need to be in power to control, manipulate, regulate and predicate our lives because we have conditioned ourselves to believe in a higher authority. We conditioned ourselves to tolerate, empathize and sympathize any and all occurrences for the sake of being "politically correct". Basically we've been dubbed by the Democratic Party. The Party of "no solutions" means just that!

The Democratic party's total reason for still being in existence in our country is to create and maintain a "dependent class" There's 3 different types of Democrat groups. 1- The elite "Progressives" 2- The moderate "liberals", 3 - The "Under links" Poor un-informed groups. The Democratic Party needs fuel to operate and that fuel is a "middle class", just think for a moment to realize that without a "middle class" how would any political party be able to control a group of people? Easy.... create policies, regulations that can and will foster a lower class in society. The more people are conditioned to be mislead and educated to expect, then what results is socialism.

Liberalism leads to Socialism and Socialism leads to Communism. Liberalism should mean to be liberate other wise free. Socialism means to apply socially, and Communism means to rule of. So it equals to "the collaboration rule of the free". Throughout all social, financial, educational, commercial and spiritual. The Democratic Party is a party with "no solutions" because if was a party of solutions then America wouldn't need this party anymore, it would've defeated the purpose, So understand by appearing to undermine our reasoning is to equally sustain the false need to govern. In closing the Democratic Party should be abolished any and all Democratic Sentors should be tried for Treasoning for the intended social destructive programs that plaqued our nation. As of March 11, 2015 No normal American should ever vote for a Democrat

Side: No, OR, Limit Legislation
1 point

No, if they want to come to our country too bad for them. They have there own country. So I don't agree to give illegal aliens the right to obtain professions licenses. So they don't come into our country. So where are they going to get a passport. Why even bother trying to get in our country.

Side: No, OR, Limit Legislation
KNHav(1957) Disputed
1 point

Im reposting this to your comments

I just want to see if we are discussing the same point, if we are on the same page.

I am discussing a measure to open wide this door, that I do NOT want to see open.

The only exceptions, to allow licensing to an illegal. Are for children that grew up from the beginning years of their education in our schools. With their cut off being in our American schools by at the latest 2nd grade.

Since those years are the most impressionable.

AND, they form American peer bonds with our children through to 12th grade graduation.

I am also proposing that it be a platform to encourage Patriotism from teachers, our students, and our communities.

Maybe even with some ability to appeal from older students for citizenship with acts of exceptional citizenship and letters of teacher and community letters of recognition and recommendation.

We have a very anti-patriotic sentiment in our school system today, unraveling us from within, through our own children.

This could be a win win for patriotism in the classroom.

Creating an environment of excitement for Patriotism as teachers and peers work together with these students to uphold high ideas of American Values and Patriotism. It could create an excitement about good citizenship and conduct and academic performance.

And also, it answer far left lawmakers proposals. Solves their only reasonable argument, "these young kids brought in by parents" and keeps the lid on opening a door that we do not want them to open!

Please answer each of these points in response to the group of illegals I am discussing. Which is kids that have been in American schools since before 2nd grade.

Thank you

Side: Yes, Based on Ability/ Skill