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Debate Score:37
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HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

Should all Americans speak Mexican?


Side Score: 17


Side Score: 20
2 points

You mean Spanish.

My thoughts on this are odd, in the sense that I'm aware it's not practical but since it's a should question I'm going on my emotions.

I feel everyone should speak everything, it'll help tear down borders between cultures, and nationalities. Not all of the borders, but one very crucial one at least, which is the border of not being able to understand one another.

Obviously I don't believe Americans should have to learn Spanish, any more than I believe one should have to learn English, but I definitely think we all should take it upon ourselves.

Side: Yes
Coldfire(998) Clarified
1 point

My thoughts on this are odd, in the sense that I'm aware it's not practical but since it's a should question I'm going on my emotions.

I’m not sure I understand the disconnect with practicality due to the nature of the question being one of “should.”

With regard to the debate question, shouldn’t the most practical answer be the correct one? Why make an appeal to emotion?

I feel everyone should speak everything, it'll help tear down borders between cultures, and nationalities. Not all of the borders, but one very crucial one at least, which is the border of not being able to understand one another.

Borders are illusory and encompass divisions between even same speaking cultures and nations as well.

Everyone speaking every language is virtually impossible and very much unnecessary to alleviate the disadvantages of the language barrier. Google Glass and several new Smartphones are providing an innovative remedy to this dilemma with quick language recognition/translation technology. What reason should we all spend countless effort and time to teach everyone every language when we can simply see subtitles as a person speaks and accomplish the same goal?

I definitely think we all should take it upon ourselves

We currently have the capability should someone choose to do so. I don’t see why it would be necessary.

Side: Yes
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

The should in the title says to me "what is your opinion" since when it comes to questions like this their is no right answer, unless it was asking about a law.

The borders that same speaking people have are not one of language. It's one less border is all I said.

Everyone speaking everything is a stretch, but starting with the language of the nearest one to us isn't such a bad start.

Side: Yes
2 points

I don't agree that "all Americans" should learn Spanish, but I think it would be wise for Spanish to be learned in schools. If so, this should improve students knowledge and understanding of languages and different cultures. Not to forget that Spanish is the language of our neighbor country(Mexico), so that might be useful. Also please note that I am saying that schools should teach it for knowledge sake not from a reaction to immigration.

Side: Yes

If Spanish was taught in schools, then all Americans would eventually speak Spanish. If all Americans spoke Spanish, we could end up with a more evolved culture. Bilingual countries have more interesting cultures. Just look at the more French parts of Canada, as opposed to the US, and you'll see what I mean.

Also, we would have a better chance of taking back low end jobs, that would go to people who work FOR US anyways.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes.. spanish is popular after english, chinese, etc. Also, American's neighbor country Mexico is also using Spanish, so it is good and useful to learn Mexican(Spanish).

Side: Yes

I think you mean Spanish, not Mexican. .

Side: No
3 points

It could be helpful when immigrants, or SPANISH speaking people try to communicate, but for it to be a necessity is pushing it. America was founded by an English-speaking group of people. They should not have to learn a language of "non-Americans" because they immigrated to America. That's like if the population of North Carolina went to China and asked them to all learn English.

Side: No
Atrag(5666) Disputed
3 points

To talk to immigrants is not the reason. The reason is so that you can travel to countries that are on your doorstep and communicate with 414 million more people that you wouldn't otherwise be able to communicate with.

Side: Yes
SitaraMusica(536) Clarified
1 point

I actually agree with your statement. It would also help business prospects with other countries too.

Side: Yes
13thDisciple(9) Disputed
1 point

Your "North Carolina to China vs a Spanish speaking person/immigrant to American" is a bad example.

1. Reason being is that traveling from N.C. to China, you will encounter many languages besides Chinese(So expecting English is foolish ) but traveling from (most likely) Mexico to America and expecting Spanish is not that unreasonable.

2. Keep in mind that some of the U.S. was Mexico while none of China was the U.S. More info on that -->

Side: No
2 points

No! They should speak American... duh.

Side: No
1 point

Most USAians don't even know where Mexico is. Let's not overwhelm them.

Side: No
Hellno(17724) Disputed
4 points

I know where Mexico is and everyone I know in the states does too so where is your evidence that most Americans don't?

Side: Yes
ghostheadX(1105) Disputed
3 points

I agree with Hellno... That is a bullshit argument and it's illogical because its derived from NO WHERE!!! ARE YOU JOKING!!!???

Side: Yes
1 point

I know where Mexico is. LOL. .

Side: Yes
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

Without looking at a map: what countries border Mexico to the south?

Side: No
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

Repeat. .

Side: No
1 point

No. They are well within their right to if they feel the desire but I don't think it should be a requirement for all Americans to speak Spanish due to our proximity to Mexico or French due to our proximity to Canada.

We have come a long way in the past century in alleviating the language barrier, it is not necessary to learn an entire second language in order to communicate with people who don't speak your first language. These days, translating a person’s speech is as simple as holding up your phone while they speak.

Of course on a more personal level, if an individual were to move to a different country or be in a relationship with someone who has a foreign speaking family, it would behoove them to learn that second language in that case, but the greatest majority of Americans do not fit this description to warrant Spanish class as part of standard curriculum.

Side: No
1 point

But the resolution is Should all Americans speak Mexican, so it is not essential, and all Americans don't have to speak Mexican(Spanish)

Side: No
1 point

Why would Americans speak a language that doesn't exist. Also the documents that founded the United States are written in ENGLISH!

Side: No
1 point

NO. English is the predominate language of the free world. Many other countries have diversified ethnic/language populations, yet their governments teach English in their schools from early age. So, just because America has a large Hispanic population, the other English and non-English speaking groups in American do not/should not have to or need to learn Spanish. If an individual chooses to learn Spanish, that is his/her choice.

Side: No
1 point

1. It's spanish, although Mexican spanish is different than spanish from other places.

2. American is a very generic term. It includes canada, the U.S., central america, and south america.

Assuming you are talking about the U.S., and are saying that they should all speak spanish, NO. The spanish speakers who are immigrating here need to learn to speak english. Just like if you immigrated to a spanish speaking country, you couldn't expect them all to learn english for you. You would need to learn spanish.

Side: No