
Debate Info

Yes, it is cruel No, it is necessary
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Yes, it is cruel (4)
 No, it is necessary (1)

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LordofPizza(8) pic

Should it be illegal to perform tail docking/vocal chord removal on dogs?

Many dogs around the world have had their tails docked (cut off) as to stop them hitting things with them. As a result this leaves them unable to communicate properly with other dogs. Some dog's owners also have the dog's vocal chords removed so that it won't be able to bark and therefore not keep its owners up at night. The benefits? The Negative effects?

Yes, it is cruel

Side Score: 4

No, it is necessary

Side Score: 1
1 point

Tail docking, no. Tail docking is for the safety of a working dog, like a hound- but for fashion/culture it should be banned. Removing vocal chords is plain sadistic. Why have a dog if you mind it's barking?

Side: Yes, it is cruel
1 point

Tail docking comes from as Elvira said working dogs to prevent the tails getting caught a lot of breeds who have had their tails docked for years have slowly developed to componsate not having a tail. This is now banned in the UK unless there is a good reason. Removing the vocal chords of any animal is just cruel.

Side: Yes, it is cruel

Docking (adj.)- *The act of placing a penis into the foreskin of another penis".

Doing this with dog's tails is disgusting. Thats just fucked up. As far as removing their vocal cords, the dog probably barked a LOT for an owner to pay to have them taken out. Its not like he yipped and the owner was like "THATS IT." So the dog probably deserved it for not shuting the fuck up.

Side: Yes, it is cruel

It is cruelty to animals. Leave the doggies alone. The doggies should be able to bark.

Side: Yes, it is cruel

As long as we have abortions for anything other than rape or incest, why make tail docking/vocal chord removal illegal? Why should a dog have more rights than a fetus? A dog loses his tail or vocal chords, a fetus loses his life. It's a woman's fetus. It's a man's best friend. She should be allowed to do as she wishes to her fetus and he should be allowed to do as he wishes to his best friend.

Side: No, it is necessary