
Debate Info

Yes they should No they should not
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Yes they should (2)
 No they should not (3)

Debate Creator

chunyusteven(6) pic

Should parents educate their children at home?

Yes they should

Side Score: 2

No they should not

Side Score: 3
1 point

I think they should because if that person is the only child in the house then yes you could because you would work with them one on one with the assignments.

Side: Yes they should

Isn't it about time they started. They can attended school where ever their parents deem so.

"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." Albert Einstein

Side: Yes they should
1 point

They could if they wanted too, depends on the child and the parent.

But I think it's better for a child to work with their peers and be in an environment that's more like the environment they'll be dealing with after they finish school.

Side: No they should not

If you want your kids to learn a specific subject then teaching them at home could be an okay idea. BUT, if you want your kids to actually have a good social life then home schooling isn't the greatest of ideas. Educationally speaking though, home schooling is, i would imagine, more beneficial.

Side: No they should not
1 point

they should not for learning social skills is also an important part of education, which cannot be achieved at home!

Side: No they should not