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RSS Samjohnson

Reward Points:8
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

well for fds... face to face interaction to facilitate mutual understanding is indispensable in my opinion. internet doesnt give us such chances. and we can hide too many things on the internet. is those fds legitimate?

2 points

why is that a problem? love is the most important element in a marriage. as long as they are in love nothing can be their barrier!

4 points

okay i think i'm at the best position to speak here. i'm a gay, and i'm not afraid or ashamed of admitting this. and my darling has served in the army before.

some nuts say we are feminine and not strong enough to protect our country. are you IDIOTS? do you know us? many homosexuals're very muscular and we are healthy! why cant we serve the country?

okay lemme be serious here i do think that all americans deserve the right and duty to serve our country. we gay people are a part of the US! we are americans! we deserve such right and duty! why the hell some nuts have to exclude us from the military!

and what is a soldier all about? protection. so long as he can protect our country well who the hell cares about who he is what he is. does sexual orientation even matter? does it weaken our ability to fight? is that even relevant? as long as we gay people are capable of protecting the US why cant we be part of the army!

ThePyg mentioned a report suggesting 70% of military men and women are perfectly okay with gays in the military. so when most of the americans are okay with us, what the fuck are those foolish guys complaning about huh?

1 point

no we are not. i'm sure that we'll never forget our fds our beloved. but life must go on. we cannot let sorrow bury us. we shall never forget, but we should live our lives beautifully live for those who sacrificed

1 point

we do not. coz i always see ppl addicted to drugs doing things out of their control, like stealing money from family hurting whom they love etc they simply cant control what they do. instead they are controlled by drugs

1 point

woww thats great! can she invite britney spears n lady gaga as well lol

1 point

they should not for learning social skills is also an important part of education, which cannot be achieved at home!

2 points

the usa is great for:

people can elect their president, unlike miserable countries like china/ north korea

it respects universal values like liberty democracy and human rights

and its rich, despite the financial tsunami lol, still richer than many other countries

and its tech level is high, the usa is the birthplace of great things like google n facebook

Samjohnson has not yet created any debates.

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"i am the most handsome man in the world lol"

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States

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