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Debate Score:49
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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Should prison be limited to violent offenders?


Side Score: 22


Side Score: 27
2 points

Go watch the documentary called "The house I live in" It shows you how America makes billions off having people in prison and is the reason you get locked up petty for crimes (bag of Weed 2 years lol) here in the states.

Prison should only be for acts against humanity, murder, rape ect, all else should be fines community service ect, then if they fail to do such then we can put them in jail not prison as that place should be reserved for violent offenders.

Side: Yes
TheAshman(2298) Clarified
1 point

Just a quick question, do you have different levels of Prison in the states or does everyone get banged up together Thieves and people arrested for Possesion with murderers and Paedophiles. The reason I ask is in the UK we have different types of Prison for different offences and it is rare for someone who is put inside for burglary, Possesion or Fraud to be in the same place as a Murderer but a lot of the responses to this from Americans makes it sound like all your prisoners are mixed together in the same place.

Side: Yes
wardogninja(1790) Clarified
1 point

I think out prision are seperated only by gender. i have heard of some prisons for white collar crimminals, but generally they send everyone to the same place.

Side: Yes
Warjin(1577) Clarified
1 point

Here in the state at least in PA where I live we have murders, rapist with fraud and petty drug charges in the same prison, only money will buy you a country club prison and those places are mostly for politicians, movies stars ect, our system is soooooooo fucked up it's not even funny, we here in America have more people in prison then any other nation combined, that should shed some lite on our prison corporation, it's a big business like any other here in America.

I have had many friends that spent time in prison for 2+ years for nothing more then a few dime bags of weed because they where black or Hispanic, I also had a few of my white friends get busted for pounds of weed and coke and got nothing more then 2-5 years probation, yes our system is racist and flawed

Side: Yes

I think we are wasting a lot of money by imprisoning many non-violant offenders. The tricky part is deciding what we should do instead. House arrests maybe, paroles possibly. Be cheaper than giving them free room and board.

Side: Yes
1 point

yes, i think that if you do something that is truly horibal.( rape, and murdure.)

both should be killed by how they killed someone. if they rape. raped to death is there punishemnt so yes prison should be held to violent offenders

Side: Yes
1 point

If the offender is nonviolent or has a nice attitude, why would you need to imprison him in the first place, putting him into an environment full of violent crazies, making his behaviour even worse? I agree that murderers, gangsters, serial killers and rapists deserve to be in prison, but such things like white-collar crimes only need fines (or a house arrest) for sufficient discipline (maybe except when said white collar crimes cause large-scale financial disasters).

Side: Yes
1 point

It it a terrible idea to put non-violent offenders in the same building as violent offenders. while there are pretty bad crimes such as fraud, hacking bank accounts, impersonation, etc, they were and are not violent. if the person shows signs of being able to be rehabilitated you put him in a rehabilitation institution, until the institution believes that with very good reason that they are rehabilitated. however on some non violent criminals you might want to put them in a rehabilitation prison. completely separate from all those violent idiots.

Side: Yes

Good idea! I think only violent offenders should be housed in prisons.

Side: Yes

There are too many people incarcerated for crimes that were not violent.

Side: Yes
1 point

No, but I do think that it may be a good idea to specialize prisons for certain crimes. Yes obviously a person did something pretty terrible if they are in prison, but they shouldn't all be grouped together if they haven't done the same degree of a crime.

Side: No
1 point

Prison is also for the blasphemers, the public urinators, the alleged masturbators and those who so poor that they can't afford to go anywhere else. Prison is the minimum standard for living given to all who we can't understand. Making access harder isn't doing any good!

Side: No
0 points

No, violent offenders should be executed and minor offenders should be imprisoned.

Side: No
5 points

Gotta love pro life hypocrites

Side: No
Warjin(1577) Clarified
2 points

Lol best reply all week : ) and so true.. I always wondered how in the fuck someone could be pro life then be pro death penalty, but then again look who we are talking about nothing ever makes sense with them lol

Side: Yes
lolzors93(3225) Disputed
0 points

How is that hypocritical? I advocate the preservation of life and of justice, not the destruction of it and the acts of immorality. The government has the role of protecting the people and if a person commits a crime then they should pay for it. The people who act justly should not be burdened by those who wish to part with justice. Therefore, the killing of a criminal is justice.

Killing an innocent child who has done no wrong is not injustice but feticide.

And that is the difference between the two: I advocate justice, while those who advocate pro-choice advocate injustice at the peek.

Side: Yes

Punishment should fit the crime; punishment should be proportional to the crime involved. A murderer loses precisely the right of which he has deprived another human being: the right to have one's life preserved from the violence of another person. The murderer therefore deserves to be killed in return.

Side: No
Warjin(1577) Disputed
1 point

Trust me I see you point of view emotionally but logically I disagree, we have to be better then that if not we become what we hate, I think a murder should be locked up for life in solitary confinement, to me that is worse then death and still spares us our humanity.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes, but you should take into account that there are things worse than death. The murderer doesn't take away the victims humanity, whereas the rapist or the masturbater places his victim bellow the animal. They should be punished with death as well, because it is more humane than being punished with rape. The death penalty serves as a maximum.

I read you're an anarchist capitalist. Why are you making objective ought claims on justice?

btw I can't wait until your philosophy is implemented in of those third world countries. One country off the threat list at least.

Side: No