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Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Should prisoners be allowed to vote?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 7
1 point

I don't see why not .

Side: Yes
1 point

Yeah, they're still part of the words, "citizens of the country".

Side: Yes

I do not see why that should not. People mess up and screw up but they may still want to participate in voting. They may be aware of current politics.

Side: Yes
2 points

No, prisoners are prisoners because they have impaired judgement...unless of course they were unjustly incarcerated.

Either way, no, they should not get to vote.

Side: No
1 point

Nah! Screw them... they're already costing us enough tax payer dollars.

No Vote For You!

Side: No
1 point

No. They had their chance in society and they broke the laws, thus being removed from the society. They do not have the right to vote. Plus, I don't want the length of prison sentences becoming a political tool that can swing votes.

Side: No
1 point

Nope as they're still undergoing what is supposed to be undergoing rehabilitation and are not yet adjusted to society however I think once their prison terms are over it should be fine

Side: No
1 point

No, I don't think prisoners should be able to vote. If they are in jail that means they made bad judgement or choices, so they may not vote for or make the best decision.

Also, how is giving them rights like this going to change them? I feel as if prisoners are being coddled. I mean, check out the daily life of a prisoner, they get three square meals a day, exercise, and being able to vote. And these circumstances may be better than they have gotten before they got thrown in jail. They need motivation to change.

Side: No

When sent to prison, they lose their civil rights and voting is one of those rights.

Side: No