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RSS Yolokitkat

Reward Points:12
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

Fast food places were created for one main reason: convenience. They still continue to sell quick food that people go back for after trying it, whether it's for the taste, price, convenience, or anything. Now, fast food business has been stereo-typed for having greasy, fatty, and overall unhealthy food. So if you think these restaurants are unhealthy, you simply shouldn't go there. For the others, restaurants like McDonald's and Taco Bell are useful to have around sometimes.

2 points

Tablets are faster, easier to use, lighter to carry, and one tablet can carry multiple textbooks. Also, the info can be updated. Not only that, but tablets are better for the environment - yes, this does seem like the argument of any middle-schooler who doesn't want to do his/her homework, but 30 million trees are used to make books every year!

1 point

Here are some I really like:

-A man is getting a check-up at the doctor's office. The doctor does the normal things, like he checks the patient's temperature, and then he listens for his heartbeat. Doctor: "Why is your heartbeat so fast?" Patient: "I see your fees on the wall."

-Q: What do you call a man with a shovel in his head?

A: Doug

Q: What do you call a man without a shovel in his head?

A: Douglas

-Farts are the ghosts of yesterday's dinner.

Also, I've attached a link to a good site :)

Supporting Evidence: jokes4us (
1 point

French! Parceque çà apparaite une bonne idée.... so suave...belle...super...chouette...

2 points

American and living in the US of A! :D But the British are pretty cool!

1 point

Let her be sentenced to a lifetime in jail...why give her what she wants? This is what I think, but it would be easier to figure out what was best if we knew why she killed someone anyways.

1 point

You can do a lot if you are extremely rich and besides you'd most likely live a super long life because you can have all the medical care you need. Living forever would get so boring, like in Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbit.

1 point

I'd breathe like Darth Vader. Then at least I can tell everyone I have really bad asthma whereas talking like Yoda would lead to people doubting my education ;)

1 point

I completely agree. You should be allowed to do whatever you need to protect yourself. If that person didn't need to kill the attacker there should be some consequence...yet it was the attacker's fault...

0 points

Guns shouldn't be banned because then the people who follow the law won't be able to protect themselves from the ones who don't.

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About Me

"Challenge me to a debate....;)"

Biographical Information
Name: Yolo Kitkat
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States

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