
Debate Info

yes they should be build No, just why
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 No, just why (2)

Debate Creator

skittles318(3) pic

Should safer learning enviroments be established

as long as we fight the struggle of the outside world, the inside will never be safe

yes they should be build

Side Score: 0

No, just why

Side Score: 2
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1 point

We should try to prevent violence in school, but we can't prevent people from being offended.

Your link points to a local file on your computer. The rest of us can't see it.

Side: No, just why
1 point

The issue is, people are confusing "safety" with "I don't want to be offended". You have a right to feel safe, but you don't have the right to be handled with kid gloves where everyone has to tip toe around you so as not to offend you. People say crap, it's what they do. Pull up the britches and deal with it and honestly if you're offended, so what?

Side: No, just why