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7 friends XD! No! They'll kill you!
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:15
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side graph friends XD! (4)
 No! They'll kill you! (4)

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Somewhat(67) pic

Should you meet people you met over the internet?

My parents are really strict about this sort of thing ('You must not put your details on the internet! Ever! They will find you, mark my words! How many people who speak English are called John anyway!?' - example) and seem to think everyone on the internet is a stalker or pervert or mass murderer. Personally, I'm rather more don't-care-ish about the subject, although I don't agree with meeting people over the internet - it's rather dubious. friends XD!

Side Score: 7

No! They'll kill you!

Side Score: 7

If you both mutually have the ability to look each other up as being authentic people, then I see no reason why to not meet them if you have enough incentive and trust.

But I would still meet them armed on the first time, just to be safe.

Though it's likely to be an unnecessary precaution, as the internet, while full of fake people, is simply another method of communication, as a telephone is. So meeting REAL people on it is actually easy if you have the ability to discern in between who is real and who is fake.

Side: friends XD!
wardogninja(1790) Clarified
1 point

When you say you should meet them "armed" do you mean like bring a gun.

I think a safer and less extreme alternative is meet them in a public place and bring a friend.

Side: friends XD!
chatturgha(1619) Clarified
1 point

Not necessarily a gun, but something to insure that you can defend yourself.

Side: friends XD!
1 point

I've met a couple of people that I met through the internet, as long as you meet in a public place and let a friend or family know where you are and who you are meeting then it should be fine.

If you're young enough for your parents to be telling you no, then you are too young to go though.

I wouldn't be against meeting a few people from here to be honest, but I don't think anyone is up for it :(

Side: friends XD!

Proceed with caution. Meet at a coffee shop or at some restaurant. You can continue to meet at various places but only invite your new friend over to your residence when you feel comfortable to do so.

Side: friends XD!
2 points

I wouldn't meet someone who is on the internet I would if they were close to where I live but not that far away.

Side: No! They'll kill you!
2 points

no i definatly dont think so and i never will, if you have never met the person before then you could end up meeting someone much older than you and be completely different to what you expect! i mean, U THINK YOU KNOW, i know that sounds like im trying to be a parent and like telling you lot the sayings that are all around schools and well everywhere, but i mean there all there for a reason and u DO think you know, but you actually have no idea, i mean even if you have been talking to them for ages that doesnt in anyway mean that you know them, they could easily be lieng about anything, so really, unless you have met them before then its definatly not safe, and if U DO, ever even think or arrange to do that then just make sure that you always take someone with you and a phone bcuz you never know what might happen! i KNOW that that sounds really like im a parent and im telling a kid (witch im not a parent!) but its the truth and you can judge me for that but, deep down you will know im right but you wont want to say it because you will be to side tracked by wanting to meet someone you have never met!......BAD CHOICE ( in my opinion! ) :) LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS THINK!!!!!!

Side: No! They'll kill you!
Saurbaby(5502) Disputed
3 points

I have met two people I've met online. I let several of my friends and family know where I was going and who I was meeting. I met them in a very public place, and came early enough so I was inside first. I took precautions, because you're right, people can lie. But someone you meet at the grocery store and start talking to can lie too. I agree that children and young teens shouldn't go out meeting people they started talking to online, because it CAN be dangerous. But I met one of my best friends online, and I'm glad I went away from the computer to meet him too.

People don't realize how lucky we are. We have the ability to meet people all around the world without leaving home, and we do have the ability to leave home and experience somewhere new too.

I think it's ridiculous to be scared and not meet new people. Dangerous people are EVERYWHERE, they just don't hang out online and lure in people.

Side: friends XD!

Very true... I was always a bit confused in E-Safety, in ICT at school when they said it was okay to meet a stranger! I mean, for all you know, the realy nice person you met over the internet might be a fifty year old perverted man who 'liked' teen girls! Yeurgh!

Side: No! They'll kill you!