
Debate Info

Street art should be allowed Street art is illegal
Debate Score:26
Total Votes:27
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 Street art should be allowed (11)
 Street art is illegal (11)

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g.jennet(22) pic

Street art

Should teenagers be punished for graffity? Graffity is the way of expressing yourself, your feelings and concerns, but at the same time damages public property.

Street art should be allowed

Side Score: 11

Street art is illegal

Side Score: 15
1 point

Street art should be allowed, as it has an equal rights for it as any other kind of art. It should be considered and accepted seriously by authorities. No art can be punished...

Side: Street art should be allowed
1 point

Street art is a way to express ourselves, to deliver a certain message to the public. So instead of being punished and prohibited by the government, it should be closely studied.

Side: Street art should be allowed
Liber(1712) Disputed
2 points

Street art is a way to express ourselves, to deliver a certain message to the public.

. . .by damaging and marring personal and public property! If you own the building, then you've the right to do whatsoever with it as you please. Going around and painting gang symbols and profanities, or even benevolent messages, is a crime and violation of property rights if you haven't the permission of the owner of the building or fence or sign or whatever it is which you are defacing!

Side: Street art is illegal
1 point

Street art has it's own purpose. It is the way to express concerns or communicate ideas against of established government... So lets think why do youth choose this way of expressing their concerns. May be because they scared of expressing themselves in other way, or they know that they won't be listened. So most of the today's teens see street art as the safe way of expressing themselves and communicating.

Side: Street art should be allowed
1 point

street art work can be beautiful and inspirational but when the message going across involves gang symbols or inappropriate messages then it should be controlled

Side: Street art should be allowed
1 point

Art should never have boundaries some of the most amazing artists in the world may not have an outlet to create on or in and street art could display their talent and ideas to the world. Art should be available to the entire world regardless of class or distinction. Every street should be a gallery.

Side: Street art should be allowed
1 point

STREET art breathes life into the sameness of our scrubbed-clean suburban sprawl. It transforms hulks of bare cement to give a city vibrancy, character and expression.

Modern Art

Supporting Evidence: Abstract Art (
Side: Street art should be allowed
1 point

I think street art is amazing and its an awesome way to express yourself and say things that words cant say I think it should be allowed everywhere but I don't like those scribbles if you're going to put words make them readable!

Side: Street art should be allowed
3 points

I support people expressing themselves, but they don't have to express themselves by damaging someone's private property.

How about they ask the owner of the building politely if they can put graffiti art on it? Then the artist gets paid and gets to express themselves. And no laws are broken. It's a win-win.

Side: Street art is illegal
Dair(17) Disputed
1 point

Most of the street art is done on public buildings. They belong to the government. And I haven't seen any examples of street art which were not pleasing to the eye. I have never seen dirty things painted on walls, buildings, of course if they weren't made just by some people who are not into street art. Most of the time there is a message in a street art: the expression of social issue, reminder of tragic event or anti-governmental image. It would certainly be disappointing to see any paint on your building, but, as I said, most of the graffiti is done in poor neighborhoods, where it was developed, and buildings there are public property, not public. I don't think people feel disgusted when they see graffiti on a public building. In some way, graffiti brings colors to poor "grey" neighborhoods.

Side: Street art should be allowed
1 point

I agree with your point, not everyone wants their property to be damaged. Somebody can say it is vandalism, but on the other hand it is kind of art, self-expression. Maybe artists should transfer their street art for those people who want it in their homes, who probably will able to pay for their job. But still street art exists, it doesn't look so bad, moreover it is normally to see this kind of art in the streets.

Side: Street art is illegal
2 points

This is a lot like the debate about illegal immigration... illegal is illegal.

Side: Street art is illegal
1 point

street art should be illegal because youth ruin many building by drawing on them ((((they should be punished

Side: Street art is illegal

Street art is not art but vandalism when painted on private property without permission.

Vandalism: willful or malicious destruction or defacement of public or private property (Merriam-Webster)

Side: Street art is illegal
g.jennet(22) Disputed
1 point

Vandalism and street art are two different things. Vandalism is not art at all. If street art involves message, vandalism doesn't involve anything than destroying of public property.

Side: Street art should be allowed
1 point

If it doesn't effect anyone and if it's not vandalism , why not to allow it?

Side: Street art should be allowed
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

Defacement of property is the definition of vandalism, what else do you call spray painting.

Side: Street art is illegal
1 point

Street art is illegal because you can't just go around spray painting an area you choose. I would ask the person who owns the company to see if I can do it. If they say no then I won't do it and ask someone else.

Side: Street art is illegal
1 point

I agree with you no one can't go around and damage public or someone's property. But in this case compromise should be found. Authorities should be more tolerant to street artists and allow street art in certain areas of city. It would beneficial for both sides. Less property would be damaged and street artists will have space to express themselves.

Side: Street art is illegal