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True Yes this is not unfalse
Debate Score:82
Total Votes:98
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 True (16)
 Yes this is not unfalse (22)

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Enaccpersona(232) pic

The Logical Reason For Why Atheist Are Illogical & Irrational.

"Atheist": Someone who holds the belief that gods do not exist.

"A": Which is used to indicate something

"Theist": Someone who holds a belief in a God or Gods.

So it would follow that Atheist believe that there is a God and at the same time, don't believe that there is a God, which is contradictory, which makes them irrational.

So they can rightfully be deemed as "stupid" i.e lacking in intelligence.


Side Score: 24

Yes this is not unfalse

Side Score: 58
3 points

Yep, a theist is illogical and irrational, as demonstrated by this debate.

Side: True

Your argument is full of logical fallacies. Let's go over them. Right off the bat i noticed the genetic fallacy. That's when you judge something as good, bad, or neutral based on where it comes from. That would be like me saying all Saudis support their regime, when they don't. Next is: the slippery slope fallacy. You falsely assume that atheism means a lack of logic, when it does not. Another example would be me saying that all of those who personally disagree with same sex marriage are antigay bigot Nazis who want to kill gays, when that is not true. I would laos be invoking Godwin's law to say that. Looking over your post, I also see: the strawman fallacy. By falsely assuming that atheists believe in God yet disbelieve at the same time based on splitting hairs and fault linguistics, you are committing the strawman fallacy which means that you are misrepresenting their argument making it easier to attack. Personal incredulity is also a logical fallacy. Basing an alleged truth on your inablity to understand a concept therefore it is wrong is a logical fallacy. I don't understand Islam, but if that is the basis of my arguments against Islam, I am guilty of a logical fallacy. By how you have worded the answers, you are guilty of the loaded question. That means you force or attempt to force someone into making themselves look guilty. lawyers often use this fallacy in the courtroom. You also used the ambiguity fallacy by claiming an alleged double meaning to a term. You are also begging the question. Now, I will cover the linguistic meaning of atheism and theism. Atheism or atheism comes from two Greek words "a" which means "none", or "without", and "theos" which means god or gods. If you put them together, you get atheist, or atheism, which means without gods or without the belief in gods. I hope that helps.

Side: True

Yep, a theist is illogical and irrational, as demonstrated by this debate.

Side: True
11 points

In ancient Greek, from which the word Atheist comes, the prefix "a-" means negative or not. It can be the opposite position or indicate a lack of something, and is synonymous in that sense with the prefix "an".

Side: Yes this is not unfalse
2 points

In ancient Greek, from which the word Atheist comes, the prefix "a-" means negative or not. It can be the opposite position or indicate a lack of something, and is synonymous in that sense with the prefix "an".

Couldn't put it better......

Side: Yes this is not unfalse

Oh, well that makes sense. :O

Side: Yes this is not unfalse
4 points

There's a difference between an "atheist" and "a theist".

Side: Yes this is not unfalse
2 points

Yeah, there's a space between the A and the first T of "theist" and that's the only difference.

Side: True
GuitarGuy(6096) Disputed Banned
6 points

Then you are just as illogical & irrational as an atheist, right?

Side: Yes this is not unfalse
zephyr20x6(2386) Disputed
2 points

but still a difference none the less, just like asymmetrical is different from a symmetrical... or your is different from you're, it effects what you are communicating.

Side: Yes this is not unfalse
Physician(15) Disputed
1 point

But because of that, it also makes a difference in the meaning.

Side: Yes this is not unfalse

I object to you being banned. .

Side: Yes this is not unfalse
2 points

HA! So you are a troll! XD

Side: Yes this is not unfalse
2 points

GUYS! Give up, he's just a troll. A very funny one too XD

Side: Yes this is not unfalse
Hellno(17724) Banned
2 points

Well, this is just stooopid.

Side: Yes this is not unfalse
2 points

Atheist - a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.

A theist - Someone who believes in the existence of god or gods

Atheist is one word, if you put a space between the A and theist then it no longer means the word its supposed to spell. Which is why not all atheists are illogical & irrational.

Side: Yes this is not unfalse
2 points

Wrong..... "A-" - makes a word a negative. Ie: lacking, not, non.

"Theism/theist" -the belief in a god or deities/a person who believes in gods or deities.

"Atheist-" literally: a person lacking belief in god. NOT a person who believes concretely that gods don't exists. An atheist CAN hold this belief but not all of them do. Just as all stop signs are red but not everything that is red is a stop sign.

I've noticed this definition conundrum twice with you now. Please read this and commit it to memory as it will serve to clear up the rest of your confusion or at least help direct you in the right direction.

Side: Yes this is not unfalse