
Debate Info

Pull the lever Don't pull the lever
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Pull the lever (5)
 Don't pull the lever (1)

Debate Creator

Lucius(23) pic

The Trolley Problem

There are many variations of the trolley problem, such as whether or not to push the fat man from the bridge in order to save those tied to the track, but I believe this one to be the most common.  

For those of you who don't know: imagine you are at the lever and a trolley is hurtling down the tracks towards four people who are tied to the tracks.  If you do nothing, they will die.  On the other hand, you can pull the lever and will kill one person but will save the others.

Should you pull the lever? 

Pull the lever

Side Score: 10

Don't pull the lever

Side Score: 2
3 points

In a scenario like this , one has the power to effect a change so we should ask ourselves “ is it our duty to not harm one individual, or to not harm five individuals?”

The answer to me is rather obvious

Side: Pull the lever
2 points

Actually there are five people together on the same track and one individual on the other line.

I would pull the lever and let one be killed so as to save five.

Side: Pull the lever
3 points

Unless the 5 were Nigerian I’m guessing 🙀👌😂😂😂

Side: Pull the lever
Antrim(1287) Clarified
2 points

Right over the top of them and cut them all in three.


Side: Pull the lever
1 point

You should just let the four people get hit because that is actually the most morally sound option. It would reduce the population and therefor help the earth.

Side: Pull the lever

4 lives are more valuable than one...........................................

Side: Pull the lever
2 points

It depends who the people are on the track. If the four people are random meth heads and the one person is captain america you should save captain america. If they are all just normal people you should save the four rather than the one. If they are all nazis you should just let the train hit the four then go and kill the last one yourself.

Side: Don't pull the lever