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Debate Score:82
Total Votes:96
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 Yes. (22)
 No. (25)

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Assface(398) pic

The United States should declare war on Iran.


Side Score: 26


Side Score: 56

Should America declare war on Iran now? No.

If Iran threatens America? Yes.

If Iran threatens to close or obstruct the straight of Hormuz? Yes.

If Iran gets nuclear weapons? Yes.

Currently Iran has done none of the following, so, no.

Side: Yes.
BenWalters(1508) Disputed
2 points

If Iran threatens to close or obstruct the straight of Hormuz? Yes.

Iran has threatened this.

If Iran gets nuclear weapons? Yes.

Surely it should be if Iran gets nuclear weapons, and it can be credibly proven that they have the intention of using them?

Side: No.
MisterGuy(1) Disputed
1 point

Iran may have made threats when it comes to the Strait of Hormuz, but they don't have the military power to do anything but be a minor nuisance in those area waters. Their navy is a joke.

Side: Yes.
garry77777(1775) Disputed
2 points

"If Iran threatens America? Yes"

And what exactly constitutes a threat in your mind? I don't believe Iran has any plans to attack the US, it seems rather obvious to me that the US are trying to stop Iran from achieving their legitimate goals and aspirations as a sovereign nation because the existence of a powerful country in the middle east that isn't subservient to US interests threatens US hegemony in the region.

"If Iran threatens to close or obstruct the straight of Hormuz? Yes."

The US hasn't just threatened sanctions, it has implemented them, even though they have very little international backing, and they have caused the Iranian Rial to depreciate by 40% relative to the dollar in the last week alone, most countries would consider that an act of war, but obviously you only care about your own "potential" suffering.

"If Iran gets nuclear weapons? Yes."

So Israel's nuclear arsenal is of no concern to you? It's not as if they have demonstrated a propensity for invading sovereign nations.

Side: No.
1 point

Yes yes*

Side: Yes.
1 point

I'm almost positive Iran already has nukes, and to be honest, why would it matter if other countries have nukes?

Side: Yes.
GuitaristDog(2538) Clarified
4 points

Well, Iran doesn't have nukes, they are in the process of developing researching nuclear energy, but have no nuclear weapons. Honestly, I don't have a problem with other countries having nukes, but Iran is a different story, even radical muslims are scared of Iran because there have been rumors that Iran wants to start a war which will bring the 12 emons (not sure if I spelt it right) back, although this sounds crazy, there are many crazy people in all faiths.

Side: Yes.
Assface(398) Disputed
0 points

You must know something the rest of the world doesn't. But if that is true or if they were to develop them, it would be a violation of the NPT, of which they are signatory.

Side: Yes.
1 point

Yes yes*

Side: No.

I've got a lot of Persian friends. I would hate for them to be thrown in internment camps, or be unable to go visit their friends and families in Iran.

Side: No.
1 point

Yes yes*

Side: Yes.
1 point

Yes yes*

Side: Yes.
1 point

Yes yes*

Side: Yes.
4 points

I think there have been enough wars in the past, and I see no need for more. It benefits no one, and causes so many deaths. We, as in the world, should be working on creating peace among each other.

Side: No.
Assface(398) Disputed
1 point

We, in general, are. But there are always those outliers who don't want to play nice with their neighbors. By all indications, Iran is one of them.

Side: Yes.
garry77777(1775) Disputed
3 points

"We, in general, are."

No, that simply isn't true, in fact, it has practically zero truth value.

"But there are always those outliers"

I agree, and the US is most certainly one of them.

"who don't want to play nice with their neighbors."

You mean: "don't want to be US and Isreali slaves"

"By all indications, Iran is one of them."

Side: No.
BookBird101(572) Disputed
2 points

Two wrongs do not make a right. Just because they might not want to play nice, does not mean the US should also "not play nice".

Side: No.
1 point

Yes yes*

Side: Yes.

Since 1950, the United States has invaded some 30 nations while Iran has invaded zero. Who is the greater threat to world peace? The policing of the most end.

Side: No.
Assface(398) Disputed
1 point

However, we currently plan to annihilate with nuclear weaponry exactly zero. We have reason to believe the same isn't true of Iran.

Side: Yes.
3 points

We have reason to believe the same isn't true of Iran.

Who is we? The general public or the government. If the public, I don't believe it, so it isn't we, and if the government, well, it lies for the general benefit of the big government machine, and it is to get power and control.

If Iran has been unwilling to invade any country, it is safe to assume that it doesn't plan on using nuclear weaponry.

Side: No.
BenWalters(1508) Disputed
2 points

There is little evidence that Iran plans to 'annihilate' Israel, or any other nation, with nuclear weaponry. Behind a few misquotes in US news, most credible reports imply that Iran has no intention of this, and even with nukes, would not have the capability - Israel & the US would be able to destroy its nukes before they got to Israel - and Iran would be destroyed if this did happen. Iran may be radical, but it is not irrational, it will not attack Israel.

Side: No.

We should do what we did in WWII. We wait for Iran and Israel to start battling it out, then we wait to see who else is going to join in on the fray and then..., once everyone is exhausted..., we ride in, mop up and come out looking like heroes ;)

Side: No.
3 points

There's no reason for the USA to declare war on Iran. Iran has every right to develop nuclear energy as an alternative to petroleum, which is going to eventually run out anyways. Iran currently relies very heavily on others to refine the petroleum that they produce, and, while I don't support nuclear energy myself, Iran was given the go-ahead by the West under the Shah to develop nuclear energy. I personally think that a better solution for Iran's energy problems would better lie with wind, solar or geothermal energy, or other countries could provide Iran with enough nuclear fuel to power as many reactors as they want. In the very recent past, the USA has taken weapons-grade nuclear fuel from counties (like Mexico) that didn't want to have to safeguard it anymore...we could do the same thing with Iran if need be.

If I was Iranian & I saw what happened under the GWB Regime with the "Axis of Evil" countries (Iran, Iraq & North Korea), I'd want a nuclear weapon yesterday, not several years from now. Our potential adversaries unfortunately were shown under GWB that we'll leave you alone if you have even a crude nuclear weapon (North Korea) or we'll invade you & topple your regime (Iraq) if you don't have a nuclear weapon.

The USA doesn't need to strike Iran for Israel, since Israel is very capable of defending themselves (with nuclear weapons if need be). The mullahs that run Iran currently aren't going to attack Israel & risk their own destruction...they are cowards.

Side: No.
3 points

It's premature for that. There are plenty of non-war methods for ensuring they don't go through with getting a nuke still at this point.

Side: No.
1 point

Yes yes*

Side: Yes.
2 points

Are you serious Assface? Or are you another damn troll trying to stir up a debate with little thought on the question you are asking?

The United States needs no more wars.

Side: No.
Assface(398) Clarified
1 point

This was a question asked in my ethics class today. We arranged into groups (based on our personal opinions, so there was only about a fifth of the class on the "yes" side) and debated the issue, which is a pretty big concern in international affairs right now. The yeses won--the nos spent a good minute bickering about where Iran was before they could make an actual argument.

Side: Yes.
1 point

So where do you fall into place out of all of this? Why should, or should not, Iran declare war on Iran?

Side: No.
1 point

Why should we? To my knowledge we have no reash.

And anyways, was is bad.

Side: No.