
Debate Info

pro con
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:21
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 pro (8)
 con (6)

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putoooooooos(19) pic

The civil war was a necessary evil (american)


Side Score: 13


Side Score: 8

If the American Civil War did not take place, there would have been a huge hole in American history where nothing much happened ;)

Side: pro
2 points

The Civil War was a manifestation of the multiple issues coupled with the inability to work cooperatively to resolve them. I know that sounds like a junk and it is both true and false. Was the Civil War avoidable. I doubt it. It is how you choose to look at it. Do I believe that there should be a strong central government and I say yes. Do I believe slavery of anyone is evil and should be abolished. Yes I do. There were both good and evil, both right and wrong on both sides of the issue. What I do think is telling is that words were not going to avert a conflict that was building for decades. You can slow the building explosion but you can not completely remove it from words alone. The American Civil War was a horrifying but sadly necessary step to unify a fractured nation.

Side: pro
2 points

I support Pro in that it was necessary for only the reason that the CSA was the first belligerent in the war. The USA was then justified in retaliation. If, the Confederacy maintained a status as a peaceful nation, I would not see justification in the warring on it.

But, again, as the CSA was the first aggressor, the war was necessary as a means of retaliation.

Side: pro
2 points

The South liked to spout about how the North was taking away their rights, when the only right the North sought to take from them was the right to consider an entire race of human being as being worth only 3/5ths of an individual.

The entire conflict would have been unavoidable of these people could have just understood that.

I feel no guilt that they were put in their place for trying to break the Union after attacking Fort Sumter. They brought it upon themselves.

Side: pro
2 points

What justified that war apart from greed?

If a war is not justifiable (greed doesn't justify war), then it isn't necessary, as you cannot justify why it was necessary.

It was not justifiable, and therefore it was not necessary.

Side: con
DetectNinja(18) Disputed
2 points

A war is justifiable (from a certain side) if it is only started as a means of direct retaliation. The CSA was the first belligerent against the USA. So, one would logically conclude that the USA's retaliation was justified.

Side: pro
Micmacmoc(2260) Disputed
2 points

How does retaliation justify a cause for war?

Involvement in war is not justified if you are only involved in it because of the fact that you are annoyed with a certain party in particular.

Side: con

I think the Civil War could have been averted with more talks between the North and South.

Side: con