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Debate Score:55
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 The heat is a danger just check with New York LMFFAO (45)

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Chinaman(3570) pic

The heat is a danger just check with New York LMFFAO

Heaviest Snowfall Records In United States History

Hey you Dummy Leftist are you paying any attention ???????????
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2 points

Well who is confused now it must be you Little Leftist because Global Warming is not happening LMMFAO

2 points

Somebody get in contact with that little pussy known as Excon i am sure that BOT has an answer no matter how convolved it might be

1 point

He always does. These large announcements of new updates always draws his attention.

excon(18262) Disputed
0 points

Somebody get in contact with that little pussy known as Excon i am sure that BOT has an answer no matter how convolved it might be

Hello poochy boy:

What's funny is that you think climate change is the weather.

Now, fetch this stick!

Bwa ha ha ha ha..

excon, BOT

1 point

There is heavy snowfall here in Canada too, so I don't doubt what you've said Chinaman, about New York having snowfall as well. The weather has been acting strangely in these past 10 years from 2012. However, there is no climate change. But you know how the leftists scream about climate change. The only "climate change" is the different seasons and different weather patterns.

0 points

The terminology, 'global warming' has long since been amended to 'climate change', and our climate is changing.

The change referred to includes unprecedented shifts in temperature and extraordinary weather patterns such as record breaking floods, hurricanes and rises in sea levels.

Those who are not frightened of this man-made, planet destroying phenomenon don't realize the gravity of the situation.

-1 points

The heat is a danger just check with New York LMFFAO

I will spit in your kung po chicken.

Chinaman(3570) Disputed
2 points

Stop crying you little Leftist ain't it a bitch when you get called out ! Could be you can help out the Leftist Yankees with their fuel costs

loopdaloop(158) Disputed
0 points

Shut up and make me some noodles boy. I like them spicy with a hint of WHINING NAZI DOUCHEBAG.