
Debate Info

True That's boring
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:19
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 True (8)
 That's boring (3)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

The key to a happy marriage


Side Score: 13

That's boring

Side Score: 5
2 points

you be right, don' ever do dat peep this shit, don't do dat peeps.

Side: True

Great theory, but how does anyone know who are the bitches and assholes? Also, isn't this subjective, there is no standard as to who is a bitch or asshole as to who is not.

Side: True
2 points

Everyone has an ass hole though.

Side: True

I happen to hate drama ;)

Side: True
1 point

They all turn into bitches after a while. . .

Side: True
1 point

Or... don't marry.

Side: True

I heard that the number one cause of divorce is a bad sex life between the couple. So if you reverse that, a good life sex life is the ultimate key to a successful marriage.

Side: That's boring
CakeMask(79) Disputed
1 point

No, that's just one of the many things that can go wrong. Just because you do well in bed doesn't mean you're good at keeping your vows.

Side: True

True, honesty and comitment are also key to a healthy relationship.

Side: True

This isn't an exact key to marriage. Anybody can change they way they act or behave. A better sex life is just a possible factor for increasing the relationship between husband and wife. A true loving establishment is necessary for a happy marriage. How do you get that? How ever you choose. If this is your theory then by all means follow it. Each person is different and unique so it really depends on the criteria of the spouses. But in this debate i can't make myself believe that this is true.

Side: That's boring

Huh. I'd say don't act like a "bitch" or "asshole" .

Side: That's boring