
Debate Info

True. Say Whaaat?
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 True. (11)
 Say Whaaat? (2)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

The reason ZOMBIE OUTBREAKs are so popular is because they give you an excuse...

to do something constructive;

instead of trolling the internet.


Side Score: 11

Say Whaaat?

Side Score: 2

Think about all the fun!!! You'd get to blow up stuff, kill zombies..., life would be more like the video games you play ;)

Side: True.
1 point

I think they're popular because we don't have to go to work... sweet Jesus! That would rock!

Side: True.

I know right? We'd get to sleep in unless some zombies break into the house ;)

Side: True.
1 point

When the zombies come a-knockin'..... uh... well I can't remember the rest?

Side: True.
1 point

Video gamers would be all like "We have been waiting for this!"

Side: True.
1 point

They also give you an excuse to say "eat me". ;)

Side: True.
1 point

No, what are the chances of it happining!

No way! Not a chance! Hmpf!

Side: Say Whaaat?
Krashdog(16) Disputed
1 point

Zombie Apocalypse is a on line codeword give to any major event where social and/or command structure breaks down and the world evolves into a "fend for your self/mad Max" world.

The event is anything from the likely; War, biological attack, to the unlikely like actual zombies. then the zombies get broken into further classes. Zombieland zombies, where its essentially mad human desease, not the dead coming back to life, to the Night of the living dead, where dismembered fingers are crawling along the floor.

The Chances are relative.

Either way, I'm prepared...

Side: True.
izazovnog(322) Disputed
1 point

I don't think so! You may wan't to look at the scientific evidence for this!

Side: Say Whaaat?