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 The reason trump doesn't want to support Hillary if she wins, is because she's a criminal (5)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

The reason trump doesn't want to support Hillary if she wins, is because she's a criminal

Trump knows, like we all know, that Hillary is a proven criminal, but is above the law because of all the corruption in the State Department.
She is a proven perjurer in the benghazi hearings yet the FBI and State department does nothing about it. Hillary put our classified documents at risk of being hacked with her private server and then tried to delete all the evidence to her crimes! There are people in jail who have done the same or far less and there is no way those people would ever again get a national security clearance!

So here we are with a criminal running for president and they asked trump would he support her if she wins. He said I don't know yet.

He is truly a maverick that defies all status quo Government corruption. He has the guts to fight the insanity of political correctness. He has the guts to go after the main stream biased media. He has the guts to go after the Clinton's and the Obama's and the State department no matter how much it hurts his chances of winning. It woud not surprise me if his life would be in danger if he has a chance of winning.

I wish he had the sense to stop saying such flambouyant things which the press loves to spend all their time on, and only hurts his chances with the sheeple vote. He's a once in a lifetime rebel that lacks the ability to stay away from the topics that hurt him.

As big an idiot as he is when it comes to debating and politcal skills, he is probably the last hope for our dying nation. We are going bankrupt and the sheeple will be once again electing someone who wants to add free College to all the Democrat givaways.

So tell me, if you were in debt up to your ears, would you spend huge amounts of money you did not have, on things you could not afford? Our 20 TRILLION NATIONAL DEBT goes up 2.4 BILLION every single day!

This corruption of buying votes while our nation drowns in debt is beyond rational thought.

Only the people can prevent these corrupt politicians from buying the presidency. Only the people can prosecute these arrogant elitists who believe they are above the law. We can prosecute her with our vote! Please do not reward and sanction future corruption in our politicians.

Hold your nose and vote for Trump, or don't vote at all. Send a huge message these elites can not deny!
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So here we are with a criminal running for president and they asked trump would he support her if she wins. He said I don't know yet.

That just... didn't happen. No one asked Trump that. And that wasn't even his response.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

It was the reason for what he said. How could he support a traitor to our Government documents? Hillary put our classified documents at risk to protect her lies and corruption.

She is a proven perjury in the Benghazi hearings. She should not be sworn in as President just because she's above the law with this corrupt state department and FBI.

It's sad Trump is so terrible at explaining his attention getting statements. It's almost as if he does not want to be President.

Just once i would love to have a Repubican who could actually debate and say it like it should be said. They would win every election.

I wish I worked in his campaign and could get him to explain the things he says in the correct way.

1 point

I wish I worked in his campaign and could get him to explain the things he says in the correct way.

If you work on a political campaign, your candidate would lose. Not because you're always inherently wrong or anything, but because you are so convinced that your position is common sense you refuse to even respond to what your opponents are actually saying.