
Debate Info

Thursday Tuesday
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 Thursday (8)
 Tuesday (3)

Debate Creator

Del1176(4975) pic

The two T's battle it out: Which is better and why?

I prefer Thursday because it gets nearer to the weekend as the day goes along as opposed to Tuesday just getting further to doom.


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 3

I think Thursday is the new Friday, because Friday is the new Saturday. But Tuesday is like an extra Monday for punishment.

Side: Thursday

The only reason I like Thursdays is because I prefer my class schedule on that day as opposed to Tuesday; I don't have a class right after lunch on Thursdays, and also on Tuesdays all my friends are in different clubs during lunch. :P

Side: Thursday
1 point

Thursday is better because its closer to Friday. Tuesday is lower than Thursday and is in the middle of the week for me.

Prodigee you like Sauske or do you watch Naruto?

Side: Thursday
1 point

Triple Geography and two frees!!!!!

Side: Thursday
1 point

Thursday closer to the weekend = closer to 2 days off school. Tuesdays are to close to Mondays (I absolutely hate Mondays) = still have to go through 4 more days of school :( Schools tiring I like my break from it :)

Side: Thursday
1 point

Thursday is the closet day to Friday one of the best days of the week for school children and Tuesday is closet to Monday

Side: Thursday
1 point

I agree. :)

Side: Thursday
1 point

Tuesday because, I just wanted to be on the other side :)

Side: Tuesday
Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

Sasuke owns you.

Side: Thursday
KillerBee(480) Clarified
1 point

idiot, why do you say random things this is a different debate

Side: Thursday
KillerBee(480) Clarified
1 point

without karin and jugo he would have died a couple times remember

Side: Thursday
Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

Actually if you watched Naruto Shippudean and you saw the fight between Sauske and KillerBee. Sauske would have died because he couldn't keep up with KillerBee's sword techinques's that were really fast even with his sharigan. But if Jugo didn't save him He would have died because of the lariat that KillerBee did to Sauske.

Side: Thursday
1 point

Personally, I prefer thriday and am sad to see it not mentioned on here...

Side: Tuesday