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 The world after 50 year.? (6)

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Patidar(62) pic

The world after 50 year.?

what type of changes we will see in our universe in 50 year.

give your ideas about new technologies,instrument, medicine, human nature etc...
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3 points

There are many different possible outcomes. An optimistic one would be that in 50 years we now have a stronger alliance between nations, resulting in less wars and conflict. Most cars would run on electricity, and good education would become more available in developing nations. There would also be much better healthcare in poor countries, and cures might be found for many diseases, possibly cancer. However, this is just an optimistic view. Thinking negatively, overpopulation would run rampant across the globe. Everywhere would be hugely crowded, and poverty would be widespread. With too many people, the world becomes polluted, and it would be advisory to wear a mask outside (toxic gases). If nuclear war comes to pass, then that would be the end as we know it. Crime would be at immense rates, and education will be scarce.

It could go either way. I'm hoping it will turn out well, but you can never be sure. People like Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump could end the world at the press of a button.

1 point

yes, there will be positive as well as negative effect on universe.

but 50 positive things try to improve the universe and 1 negative event more than enough to destroy the universe.

2 points

The Arab nations will still be trying to annihilate Israel, the Russians will still be as BOLSHIE as ever, most nations will have the atomic bomb, the African money sponge will still be absorbing $ billions of foreign aid, the blacks will still be blaming the big bad white man for their self imposed plight, the ice cap at the North Pole will have all but disappeared, the ice at the South pole will be continuing to recede at an alarming rate, the plastic and chemical contaminated seas will be supporting significantly less marine life, due to co2 gases and other environmental pollutants hurricanes will have increased dramatically in both severity and frequency, homesexuality will have been made compulsory, Muslims will still be bombing and shooting people throughout the world.

We have bequeathed all this, and more to our children and grandchildren.

NumberOne(422) Disputed
1 point

The Arab nations will still be trying to annihilate Israel

You pretend that Israel is some kind of poor, innocent victim only because you do not give a flying shit about the truth. The fact of the matter is that Israel is the single biggest aggressor in the Middle East and, besides America, almost certainly the entire world.

Israel tried to destroy Iran's nuclear power research by attacking their centrifuges with the Stuxnet virus. See:-

Israel also has assassinated many of Iran's top scientists -- civilian scientists. See:- iranian-nuclear-scientists/

These are the actions of an aggressor, not of a victim, so please feel free to push your hideous neo-Conservative doublespeak firmly up your own rectal orifice.

Antrim(1287) Disputed
3 points

Look, give me a break, I'm trying to do the Sunday Times crossword which is difficult enough without you squawking like a constipated parrot.

So, let's analyze what you've claimed.

''You pretend that Israel is some kind of poor, innocent victim'', etc., etc.

Only an imbecile could have taken that meaning from my nonaligned comment about the Arab nations trying to annihilate Israel.

Your biased assumption overlooked the equally feasible possibility that I may have wanted the Arab nations to overrun Israel and return it to the Palestinians, the rightful owners.

Now what's next, ''Israel tried to destroy Iran's nuclear power research.

Regardless of my opinion of that claim such an act makes good sense.

Iran has made no secret of its dedication to the destruction of Israel.

A blind man on a galloping horse could see from a mile off that that goal would be easier accomplished with a nuclear capability.

So, retaliate first, or preemptive strike ( as in the Israeis did in the six day war), or as we say in Ireland, hit him back first.

''Israel has assassinated many of Iran's top scientists'', top nuclear scientist I guess you mean.

Well, we must carry out an impartial judgment here;- which is the lesser of two evils, a million or so dead Jews, or a handful of scientists?

Your gratuitous rudeness is most disappointing.

Now, shoo, shoo go away, I'm busy.

1 point

Apart from this we will see many technologies , like scientist will create some type of shield that will be unbeatable by bomb. going to other planet will be cheaper, co2 to o2 converter without help of trees.

may be in future human meet will be available on meet shop.