
Debate Info

Thanks uncle joe. I was born this way.
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:20
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 Thanks uncle joe. (8)
 I was born this way. (7)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

There's a class that teaches liberal logic. Check it out, you might learn something.

I am providing this link

for anyone who wants to learn

how to be a liberal.

Thanks uncle joe.

Side Score: 8

I was born this way.

Side Score: 11

People who are predisposed to liberalism due to their genetic makeup and\or upbringing do not need to learn how to think like a liberal and should thus post on that --> side ;)

Side: Thanks uncle joe.
1 point

That site is pure gold.


Side: Thanks uncle joe.
1 point

I must admit wow, your democrats are hypocritical. I never thought it but some of the American Social Liberals are one of the most two faced people I have ever heard of.

Side: Thanks uncle joe.

Some of those are simply terrible, and easily informs me of the creators great ignorance and prejudiced, others are pretty spot on.

Rape whistles are ridiculous.

Side: Thanks uncle joe.

This is all I have to say to the person who made that site

Side: I was born this way.

I don't have the latest Adobe Flash Player so .... ;)

Side: I was born this way.
LittleMisfit(1745) Clarified
2 points

It was a clip from Billy Madison. It said, "What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your rambling incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul."

Side: Thanks uncle joe.
1 point

Well, I think that is putting it rather lightly... but yes.

Side: I was born this way.

I agree completely.

Side: I was born this way.
2 points

Meh. The first one was so sexist it annoyed me. The 'rape prevention kit' one. Martial arts lessons do the trick, and they can't be taken from you.

Side: I was born this way.