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 Think back at any time you went to a Church on Sunday morning. Were they hateful? (1)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Think back at any time you went to a Church on Sunday morning. Were they hateful?

We listen to Progressives constantly judging Christians as hating Gays, hating sinners, hating the poor, hating women, hating old people, committing atroscities, being no better than Islam, etc. etc. etc.

So I want bigots on this site to tell us the last time they listened to a sermon in Church or on TV, that spewed hate towards any group of people. (leave out the extreme Westboro Church unless you want us calling you a fool for painting all Churches as being like Westboro) 

I've gone to a number of Churches of different denominations over my lifetime, and guess what? NEVER have I heard one word of hatred for any group or person.

What I have heard is much about love, forgiveness, helpng the needy, loving and respecting our parents, not falling into sins that would hurt our lives and others, the importance of marriage and commitment to our children and spouse, etc. etc.

From the posts of the bigots on this site, you would think the Christian faith is built on what the Quaran tells people to do to the non believer.

I understand why you do it. You are insecure people who hate having anyone shining a light on your lifestyles. I GET IT, but how about going to a Church once again, and see for yourselves what they are teaching people.
Learn first hand how your perception of Christianity was skewed by Hollywood, sit-coms, late night tv, and the world.

Christianity is at odds with the goals of the Left. The Left wants to be the ones conditioning our children's minds to political correctness. They want no competition from God. This is why they scream and censor any free expression of our naton's majority Christian faith on public land.

Start addressing your insecure anger towards others who make you feel bad about yourselves. Christians make you feel bad simply by being who they are, for doing their best to live up to Christ's example.

Ask yourself why people trying to live good moral lives bothers you so. Yes, we all know that no person is perfect and we all have sinned, but why do you fret so over those who try to lift up and live up to simple good moral values.

It's called insecurity for the choices we make in life. It's called insecurity of any notion suggesting there will someday be accountability for our choices in life.

Do we have false Christians who live with hate rather than love? Yes we do, but I would hope you have the simple intelligence to not paint Christians by the actions of a few.
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1 point

When I was younger I went to a church with two different pastors. One, I'll just call Pastor A and the other is Pastor B.

Pastor A was highly respected. He was super nice, preached on love, acceptance and devotion to God. I actually had him marry my husband and I and everyone respected him.

Pastor B was......special....and not in a good way. He took his authority and used it to inflate his ego. He demanded people come kneel before him to be forgiven, he preached fire and brimstone while standing over his congregation and demeaning them. Needless to say, people did not attend the services of Pastor B for long. In fact when Pastor A left many people left the church completely to find another.

This is my personal experience. Nearly all other churches I've gone to have not been hateful. My Aunt in a different state is having an issue with her church but that's not a topic I can get to into but again, it's because the leader of that church is being hateful.

There are always stories of some churches being nasty, the one most people will toss out is Westboro but they are extremists who do not, in my opinion, actually represent Christians.

For the most part, in my experiences it's rare to find a religious leader who preaches intolerance and hate but unfortunately those that do get the attention.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

As you noticed, the Pastor who preached fire and brimstone without the Love, soon lost a congregation.

Now let me clarify the difference between, teaching there is a Hell that all non believers should be made aware of, with angry judgmental people who go around screaming you are going to Hell for your sins.

Speaking of the dangers of Hell is in the Bible and something every good Church should do. A true Christian Church should not shy away from teaching things that some people might not want to hear. But it should always be done in a loving manner.

There are what I call false Churches that have transformed their beliefs to fit the new age world's view of life and God. They seek to grow their congregations by denying what their faith teaches on issues of Abortion, Divorce, Gay marriage, Gay Pastors, promiscuous Sex, etc. etc.

I always sought out Churches that did not shy away from teaching the Bilbe, but did so in a loving way.

Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

Thank you, I appreciate the clarification, it seems you and I agree on this. If it is done so in a manner that isn't aggressive "you will burn in hell bwahahahaa, kneel before me to be forgiven" kind of way then I think it has more impact. Our views on what you consider a false church are a little different but hey, to each their own on that. I think we can both agree that Westboro is a false church.