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Debate Score:72
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 This is me :) Don't judge me too harshly D: lol (41)

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Saurbaby(5502) pic

This is me :) Don't judge me too harshly D: lol

Me :)


This is the most recent picture I've got of myself, lol I was goofing off at home bored X)

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5 points

What's there to judge harshly?

1 point

Lol, me! My face. I don't know :)

3 points

People are always too hard on themselves, but opening up like that - removing the anonymity of the keyboard - is laudable.

4 points

You are beautiful .

1 point

Thank you.

3 points

Ahhhhhh........kill it with fire! Please god kill it now!

Nah. Just kidding.

1 point

X) Lol, No fire por favor.

And I'd rather look like a tiger :p

3 points

Hmmmmmmm you're actually pretty pretty. How many times have i heard girls who know theyre hot and still act as if they are unsure.

3 points

I suspect this has to do with the media influence which convinces women that they're never pretty enough.

2 points

At least when they may be unsure they aren't full of themselves. Nothing's worst that a person who thinks that they're the cat's meow.

ThePyg(6706) Clarified
1 point

All of them.


1 point

Thank you :)

And do you mean I'm acting unsure? Because I was joking with the title. I'm comfortable with my looks most days, I have those days though. ^_^

2 points

No i was just saying many girls act unsure, and by your title it kinda looked like that but i knew you knew you're pretty. And you're actually very pretty, its just that i like saying pretty pretty.

You look cute yourself there shouldn't be any negative feedback. Also are you still going to get those elf ears done?

2 points

Thank you Silas :)

And I'm not sure, I really would like to, but I have other priorities at the moment and so the money is going elsewhere.

That is good always put the money where it really needs to be.

2 points

Good for reference? I am better with faces, but oh well.

2 points

erased squirreled poof by bye gone vanished adios adios so long

1 point

I didn't think you were being mean or rude lol

I took it as a compliment. And the picture clearly isn't a serious one X)

Cute. I give you two snaps and a twist. ;)

2 points

Lol, thanks.

What is that reference from, you said it in one of your debates, and I'm curious.

2 points

That's from In Living Color's Men on Film sketches... Good stuff!

This one is Men on Football

Men on football
2 points

Its cute glad Im not the only one who can do the tongue thingy :P :p :O:}... Nice piercing too

1 point

Hahahahaha, I know a lot of people who can do it :) We are NOT alone X) My best friend can't though, she can barely poke her tongue out of her mouth, much less fold it in anyway.

Thanks, I don't get to wear the bars I want usually because of work :( But I love it anyway. lol

Just out of curiosity, why your eyebrow?? :) Still i like it

2 points

Oh sounds cool. How many piercings do you have madam?? If so which ones

1 point

I only have my ears and eyebrow done. I think there's such a thing as TOO much. lol Though I do want my tongue pierced, I'm working on convincing my boyfriend and failing X) Plus I want my tattoos first anyway.

2 points

why tattoos too. why your tongue, wont it hurt lol tattoos of what??

Very good looking ;)

You look a tad high though... just take it as a compliment :P

I mean, you'll never be as good looking as me, but then again, no-one will ;)

1 point

Why thank you ;)

<.< I am NOT high. I've never smoked weed in my life actually. X)

Psh, care to prove that?

Hahahahahahaha good girl ;)

Psh, care to prove that?

Maybe when I get off work ;)