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 This site has proven my suspicions that debating a Liberal is truly a waste of time. (49)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

This site has proven my suspicions that debating a Liberal is truly a waste of time.

I've been on this site for awhile debating the vast majority who are Liberals. No matter what issue I address, they will make the same ludicrous blanket statement that the GOP is no better. That is their argument and they hardly ever give any examples why the GOP are no better.

When I bring up Abortion, these people will bring up some so called pro life Democrat to try and say that the Democrats are also pro life. In this way they try excuse their inhumanity for electing politicians who support late term abortions on demand. They will lie through their teeth that the Democrat party does not support late term bortions on demand. They are incapable of being honest about who the Democrat party is and what they support. UNBELIEVABLE! There are so few pro life Democrats who stand by their convictions, it is truy sickening that they would have the arrognce to make such ludicrous claims to excuse their inhumanity for late term abortions on demand. They also deny that Democrats have forced us all to pay for other's abortions. It's like debating clinical liars.

When I bring up how Democrats are trying to take so many of our freedoms, people on this site ALWAYS spew the same nauseating rhetoric of how the GOP is no better because they are tryng to ban Gay marriage rights. The GOP is trying to keep our marrige laws the way they have been for centuries and stop whatever fringe group of people who want to change the laws. Our states are being forced to change their marriage laws to fit the Gay agenda. It is the Left taking our state's individual freedoms to keep their marriage laws as their people want. The GOP can not ban something that is not legal to begin with.

When I bring up the Left censoring our community's right to choose a school prayer or not, they start screaming it goes against the Constitution because they in all of their arrogance have decided that the people in a free community have no right to vote on a school prayer even though no child would ever be forced to pray. Our Congress starts every session with a prayer. It is obvious that after all these years since the Constitution ws written A FREEDOM TO HAVE A SCHOOL PRAYER OR PUBLIC PRAYER IN OUR CONGRESS DOES NOT ESTABLISH A RELIGION! But as i say, it is a waste of time debting a people bent on transforming America to their extreme ideology.

When I bring up the fanatical gun control Democrat party, they mindlessly bring up assault rifles when they know full well the Democrat party wants to take most of our guns one step at a time. Many of these people on this site will say they are against gun control but refuse to vote for the GOP who will protect our freedoms. They are truly phonies when it comes to freedoms they don't care about.

When I bring up welfare and all the lazy cheats and scammers and dead beats who use our social programs, they spew the same garbage that most people on welfare are good responsible honest hard working people who just cant find jobs. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

This site must have been started by Liberals or Gay activists because there are so few Conservitves. Most are fixated on Gay rights, and NEVER speak out about the right's of all the other fringe groups of people. Me think's it is time to find another site.

If I ban all the radical Liberals that constantly deny the obvious, there will be no one esle to debate.

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5 points

"I've been on this site for awhile debating the vast majority who are Liberals. No matter what issue I address, they will make the same ludicrous blanket statement that the GOP is no better. That is their argument and they hardly ever give any examples why the GOP are no better."

No, not all left-wing users say that, and many of the people who do say that are not Liberals. Of course you refuse to acknowledge this and tell us what we think, which is silly.

"When I bring up Abortion, these people will bring up some so called pro life Democrat to try and say that the Democrats are also pro life. "

Saying that there are some pro-life Democrats is not saying that the Democratic Party is pro-life. It's not, it is pro-choice.

" In this way they try excuse their inhumanity for electing politicians who support late term abortions on demand. "

They don't support that, and you have never substantiated that claim.

"They will lie through their teeth that the Democrat party does not support late term bortions on demand"

Again, you have provided no evidence that they support that.

"They are incapable of being honest about who the Democrat party is and what they support. UNBELIEVABLE! "

Why are you incapable of providing evidence of your claims?

"There are so few pro life Democrats who stand by their convictions, it is truy sickening that they would have the arrognce to make such ludicrous claims to excuse their inhumanity for late term abortions on demand. "

They still don't' support that.

" They also deny that Democrats have forced us all to pay for other's abortions. It's like debating clinical liars."

You still have not provided any evidence that the Democrats have somehow managed to do that in spite of the Hyde Amendment.

"When I bring up how Democrats are trying to take so many of our freedoms, people on this site ALWAYS spew the same nauseating rhetoric of how the GOP is no better because they are tryng to ban Gay marriage rights."

That is because the GOP is indeed trying to limit American's freedoms, you simply support it.

"The GOP is trying to keep our marrige laws the way they have been for centuries and stop whatever fringe group of people who want to change the laws."

That is the exact same appeal to history logical fallacy that would have kept me from marrying my wife (different ethnicity).

" Our states are being forced to change their marriage laws to fit the Gay agenda."

Yes, they are. States do not have the right to deny Americans their civil and Constitutional rights, and they SHOULD be forced to recognize said rights.

" It is the Left taking our state's individual freedoms to keep their marriage laws as their people want. The GOP can not ban something that is not legal to begin with."

There is no "individual freedom to keep marriage laws". I don't think you know what freedoms you do or do not have. Additionally, same-sex marriage IS legal, as I am sure you already know.

"When I bring up the Left censoring our community's right to choose a school prayer or not, they start screaming it goes against the Constitution because they in all of their arrogance have decided that the people in a free community have no right to vote on a school prayer even though no child would ever be forced to pray. "

The Left has not censored any community's right to pray, but you do not have right to force prayer upon a captive audience. Again, you are not familiar with what rights you do or do not have in this country. Liberal and Conservative Justices, appointees from Republican and Democratic Presidents, all overwhelming disagree with your desire to force your beliefs via the government upon children. There is overwhelming bi-partisan judicial consensus against you on that issue.

"Our Congress starts every session with a prayer."

Congress is not a captive audience.

" It is obvious that after all these years since the Constitution ws written A FREEDOM TO HAVE A SCHOOL PRAYER OR PUBLIC PRAYER IN OUR CONGRESS DOES NOT ESTABLISH A RELIGION! But as i say, it is a waste of time debting a people bent on transforming America to their extreme ideology."

Again, that is not a freedom, and over a hundred years of judicial precedent disagrees with you. It is also ironic for you, the one who wants to force children to listen to your religion, to accuse others of being extreme. You are supporting massive government that seeks to influence our children's beliefs.

"When I bring up the fanatical gun control Democrat party, they mindlessly bring up assault rifles when they know full well the Democrat party wants to take most of our guns one step at a time. Many of these people on this site will say they are against gun control but refuse to vote for the GOP who will protect our freedoms. They are truly phonies when it comes to freedoms they don't care about."

While I strongly stand against the Democratic Party on gun control, I think it is absurd for you to tell someone that they can not disagree with the party they identify with and still be honest. One can be against gun control and disagree with the Democratic Party on that issue, but disagree with Republicans on far more issues, and thus vote for who they perceive to be the lesser of two evils. I don't think you know what it means to be a phony.

"When I bring up welfare and all the lazy cheats and scammers and dead beats who use our social programs, they spew the same garbage that most people on welfare are good responsible honest hard working people who just cant find jobs. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL"

You have never provided any evidence regarding your claims about welfare. If your claims are based on facts that are so obvious, why haven't you ever been able to provide any proof?

"This site must have been started by Liberals or Gay activists because there are so few Conservitves. Most are fixated on Gay rights, and NEVER speak out about the right's of all the other fringe groups of people. Me think's it is time to find another site."

That is because you are simply trying to deflect from an issue. Why would they bring up an issue other than the one at hand, when it is simply an attempt on your part to change the subject (something that you yell at others for, ironically enough)?

"If I ban all the radical Liberals that constantly deny the obvious, there will be no one esle to debate."

I always love how you call anyone that disagrees with you "radical", and any belief that you hold "obvious". Why don't you at least TRY to let your beliefs stand on their own merits?

5 points

FALSE. You are such a liar!

That is their argument and they hardly ever give any examples why the GOP are no better.

This is not true at all. You are always given the stuff the Republicans do that makes them no better.

When I bring up Abortion, these people will bring up some so called pro life Democrat to try and say that the Democrats are also pro life. In this way they try excuse their inhumanity for electing politicians who support late term abortions on demand.

False. Someone asked if it was possible for a pro life Democrat to exist. That is the only time that person was brought up. That was the only reason. To show it is possible.

When I bring up how Democrats are trying to take so many of our freedoms, people on this site ALWAYS spew the same nauseating rhetoric of how the GOP is no better because they are tryng to ban Gay marriage rights.

This just proved your first paragraph was a total lie when you said they never bring up how the GOP is no better.

It is the Left taking our state's individual freedoms to keep their marriage laws as their people want. The GOP can not ban something that is not legal to begin with.

A group of liberals want to change marriage laws. That means that we don't have the marriage laws the way people want them. Plus, gay marriage is legal.

When I bring up the Left censoring our community's right to choose a school prayer or not, they start screaming it goes against the Constitution because they in all of their arrogance have decided that the people in a free community have no right to vote on a school prayer even though no child would ever be forced to pray.

False. You can't possibly establish a school prayer and not force children to pray. Your reason is not what liberals think.

It is obvious that after all these years since the Constitution ws written A FREEDOM TO HAVE A SCHOOL PRAYER OR PUBLIC PRAYER IN OUR CONGRESS DOES NOT ESTABLISH A RELIGION!


But as i say, it is a waste of time debting a people bent on transforming America to their extreme ideology.

False, it is not extreme ideology to say prayer can be done on your own.

When I bring up welfare and all the lazy cheats and scammers and dead beats who use our social programs, they spew the same garbage that most people on welfare are good responsible honest hard working people who just cant find jobs. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

You actually provided the liberal argument, good for you.

This site must have been started by Liberals or Gay activists because there are so few Conservitves. Most are fixated on Gay rights, and NEVER speak out about the right's of all the other fringe groups of people. Me think's it is time to find another site.

You don't want to leave because you are a liberal and liberals love this site.

If I ban all the radical Liberals that constantly deny the obvious, there will be no one esle to debate.

Also, if you ban all the reasonable people this will happen.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
2 points

Gay marriage is legal in some states, NOT ALL! Many of the states that legalized it did so by being forced through the action of one judge stripping a state's freedom to keep it's marriage laws in the world of sanity. Liberals are so brainwashed with extremist political agendas, they would legalize anything but the freedom of religious expression in our public.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Gay marriage is legal in some states, NOT ALL!

False. Gays can get married without any legal repercussions, thus it is legal. Getting benefits is the thing they are fighting for. You have fallen into the liberal trap of calling it legal.

Liberals are so brainwashed with extremist political agendas, they would legalize anything but the freedom of religious expression in our public.

False, they are against religious expression in government areas. Not all public places.

1 point

Do you believe that Loving v. Virginia was wrong because it forced states to recognize marriages they did not want? Did that strip states of their freedom, in your opinion?

And how have liberals denied you your freedom of religious expression in public?

3 points

If I ban all the radical Liberals that constantly deny the obvious, there will be no one esle to debate.

Except you think anyone who disagrees with you is a radical Liberal when in reality there are very few if any radical liberals on this site.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

I was wondering what drugs you take to allow you to believe their are no radical Liberals on this site.

Whether it be gun control(which many phonies will deny while they vote for pro gun control radicals), late term abortions on demand(which phonies deny), Gay marriage, censoring school prayer, Obamacare, Global warming, etc. most on this site are in lock step. Maybe you don't call taking our freedoms as being radical, I do!

Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
2 points

if anyone is taking drugs here it's you since you believe anyone who disagrees with you automatically is a radical liberal.

1 point

It seems like your evidence that people are radical are all things that people are denying. If someone is denying something, you really don't seem to have any evidence to prove that they are lying, which means you are just telling people what they think.

By what right do you do that?

And the only rights that you have listed that have been taken away would be gun control, and ObamaCare. On most other issues, you seem to be the one attempting to take away rights, even if they are ones you or I do not support (the exception being GCC). Does that make you radical?

3 points

Is it really that surprising to anyone here that from the perspective of a radical conservative persona, even a conservative-leaning moderate appears as a radical liberal?

3 points

You seem to confuse non-religious with liberal. I am coming to believe that is what you Americans believe the definition of the word to be.

Just because someone is not religious and supports gay rights doesn't make them a liberal. You are just homophobic and disgusting. People can have sex with who they want to as long as it is consensual. Making homosexuality illegal like how you suggest would be moronic.

It is you who is a waste of time to debate because you clearly dodge points in an argument that you can't refute and bring up information that is completely irrelevant.

2 points

Americans believe Republicans are conservatives. That's where the confusion comes from.

2 points

This site has proven that debating either an extreme conservative OR liberal is a waste of time, and that at some point any and all views true or not can be used falsely in an argument and turn into complete bullshit. Why? I'll give you the practical conclusion from this site IMHO:

My roommate gave me some advice about being right. He said that you can completely prove your point with real logic and the other person won't change their mind. In fact, you can win the argument and you lose because you were unable to change the other person's mind. Think of it this way. Let's take theists vs. atheists. If someone believes in god strongly enough, then an atheist providing a very strong argument won't change their mind. And vice versa.

This site has proven him right in every sense of the word "right."

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Well as usual you have given no examples of how so called extremist Conservatives are transforming our nation as with the Liberal extremists in our media indoctrinating the people to elect extremists like Obama.

I give example after example of the loss of our freedoms in this nation because of extreme Liberal Democrats transforming America... whether it be gun control, forced paying for abortions, forced buying of the Left's mandated version of health insurance, forced censoring of religious expression on pubic grounds, forcing states to allow Gay marriage, trying to force Churches to have Gay Sunday school teachers, etc. etc.etc.

Where are your examples of extremist Conservatives trying to force their will on the people.

If you bring up Gay marriage I will once again vomit. Gay marriage is a new issue that our nation has never allowed. It is the extreme left forcing Gay marriage on the people in every state whether they want it or not. It is conservatives saying that each state has the right to disagree.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
3 points

Well as usual you have given no examples of how so called extremist Conservatives are transforming our nation as with the Liberal extremists in our media indoctrinating the people to elect extremists like Obama.

He also never made any claim remotely close to that.

I give example after example of the loss of our freedoms in this nation because of extreme Liberal Democrats transforming America... whether it be gun control, forced paying for abortions, forced buying of the Left's mandated version of health insurance, forced censoring of religious expression on pubic grounds, forcing states to allow Gay marriage, trying to force Churches to have Gay Sunday school teachers, etc. etc.etc.

This is exactly what he said. What is your point?

Where are your examples of extremist Conservatives trying to force their will on the people.

Repeating a false premise.

If you bring up Gay marriage I will once again vomit. Gay marriage is a new issue that our nation has never allowed. It is the extreme left forcing Gay marriage on the people in every state whether they want it or not. It is conservatives saying that each state has the right to disagree.

Congratulations. You proved him 100% right. You are good at this.

1 point

"Well as usual you have given no examples of how so called extremist Conservatives are transforming our nation as with the Liberal extremists in our media indoctrinating the people to elect extremists like Obama."

Considering the concept of the free market, wouldn't the influence of the liberal media imply that people support what they are hearing? If so, how is that indoctrinating?

"I give example after example of the loss of our freedoms in this nation because of extreme Liberal Democrats transforming America... whether it be gun control, forced paying for abortions, forced buying of the Left's mandated version of health insurance, forced censoring of religious expression on pubic grounds, forcing states to allow Gay marriage, trying to force Churches to have Gay Sunday school teachers, etc. etc.etc."

You don't seem to understand what a freedom is. You do not have the freedom to force people to not get abortions (You don't pay for them, Congress put safeguards in place to prevent that), you are not free to force children to listen to prayers, you are not free to deny people their constitutional rights, etc. You are actually denying people rights while arguing that liberals are denying people rights.

"If you bring up Gay marriage I will once again vomit. Gay marriage is a new issue that our nation has never allowed."

That was said about interracial marriage as well, and they used the exact arguments you have used. No state has the right to deny anyone their Constitutional rights.

2 points

yeah debating with you is a waste of time.

2 points

But then again you never do actually debate.

1 point

Your debate didn't get much response. You need to add more crazy to it.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Well thanks for the advice.... in order to add more crazy can I quote your posts?

0 points

Ann Coulter? Thanks, now I'm going to have nightmares .

1 point

She does seem to have that effect liberals.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

If you are not having nightmares with what Hillary and Obama have done in our foreign policy.... WOW!

1 point

How can you argue against such a blanket statement with out any supporting examples. I'm sure you've run across liberals who will lie and use false facts, just as sure as you've found yourself in a debate with those who put together well-founded arguments. The point of debate is to teach, learn, and empathize in my opinion. When someone is using false information, provide them with a link to a source on the topic. When someone is using bad logic, call them out on it. But when one party refuses to talk and listen to people that have a different opinion than you, I agree - there is no room for debate.

Well, my point proven once again. Out of all your insults and attacks on my opinions, AGAIN not one mention to how the GOP is just as bad as Democrats in taking our freedoms.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

This debate doesn't require any mention of how the GOP is just as bad as Democrats. Why would anyone mention it? There is also no mention of any calculus in this debate, but I don't see you complaining about that.

-2 points
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

NO tolerance for conservative thought.


You must censor Conservative thought like you have censored religious expression in our public.

You are the only one doing the censoring. I see a lot of "Banned" next to names.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

Tell me how banning insulting extremists from disrupting my personal posts is censoring their voices? I could care less if someone wants to ban me from their posts. Actually they are doing me a favor.

Oh I guess that Americans must now allow any person to enter their personal space and insult them whether we want them to or not. Get real. I guess you would let some stranger into your house to spew Liberal dogma? or Conservative opinions?

1 point

"Have you noticed how hardly any Conservatives ever address these arguments? This is how pathetically Liberal this site is. Does this represent an open tolerant site for all diverse views to be espoused?"

Conservatives are not banned or prevented from posting, where as you have banned people from it. That means that no, it is not an open tolerant forum for all diverse views, but that would be your fault, as you are the one censoring.

"Can extremist minds see what a Liberal president has done to this nation? He has taken us back decades bringing back non stop class warfare, race riots, pitting Americans against Americans."

SPECIFICALLY, how has he done this?

"This site mirrors Obama's presidency. NO tolerance for conservative thought."

Then why are you allowed to post here? Why are people responding to you?

"You must censor Conservative thought like you have censored religious expression in our public"

Again, you have not been censored, you are the one doing the censoring. People disagreeing with your is not censorship. And how has religious expression in public been censored?

"You are such total hypocrites to even have the nerve to say the Left represents the tolerant open minded compassionate people."

Isn't it hypocritical for you to complain about censorship while censoring others?

"You are very very scary people who would tramp all over our freedoms to usher in your transformed utopia of extreme political correct Liberalism. "

You have indicated multiple issues in which you seek to trample all over the freedoms of others in order to usher in a transformed utopia of extreme politically correct Conservatism.

"To make yourselves right you would even be crazy enough to support polygamy. "

What harm to society would polygamy cause?

"When you allow one fringe group of people to change our marriage laws, you must allow every group the same insane rights and pretty soon the wonderful state of marriage is destroyed."

The exact argument employed in Loving v. Virginia.

"This is what the Left has ushered in. Absolutely no moral values for our culture to hold on to. You must allow any fringe group's desires to be allowed which in the end brings all norms of society to be lost."

The left has plenty of morals, you simply disagree with one. Just because someone has morality that differs from yours, does not mean they lack morality.

"Can you imagine men having as many wives as they want under your type of ludicrous equal right's arguments? That is no better than Gay marriage but society must allow it under the precedent you have set with Gay marriage.."

Again, what societal harm would it cause?

-2 points
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

I am one of the very few conservatives

False, by your definition you are a liberal.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

I will give you one thing...... you like to repeat the same thing and never waver from it. I have with much intelligence and wisdom refused to bite and fall into whatever mind melding hallucinations you have conjured up to keep saying I'm a Liberal..... but keep saying it. if you are trying to say I am controlling like Liberal Democrat, you are smoking something much more powerful than weed.

1 point

"I am one of the very few conservatives on this site and am constantly stalked by Liberals if I dare bring up a Conservative opinion."

Isn't the point of this website to debate opinions you disagree with? How is that stalking?

"The Left truly despises opposing opinions as is evident when the President of our nation lowers himself to constantly insult a TV cable news outlet"

Again, you are the one censoring different opinions, so wouldn't you be the one who despises opposing opinions?

"How small and egotistical can it be for a President to be so thin skinned to attack TV channels who have opposing political views? That is what our Constitution is all about... freedom of speech and freedom to hold our Government accountable."

It was pathetic, but it was not a free speech issue.

"Liberals want one and only one voice going across the air waves indoctrinating the people to believe that their extreme ideology should be the way of the land and if you disagree with their philosophy you are a HOMOPHOBE, A HATEMONGER, A RACIST, A HATER OF WOMEN!"

Last time I checked, FOX is still doing quite well, and nobody is in the process of taking it off the air. Why do you continue to censor others while complaining about censorship

"Here we go,........... but the Right is just as bad! Say it again... but the Right is just as bad.... say it again... but the Right is just as bad!"

Why are you so caught up in partisanship? Why do you seem so focused on this "us vs them" concept?

"That's it, that's the argument of a Liberal." Not at all! A liberal would argue that the right is WORSE. If you are hearing someone that say the right is "just as bad" then chances are they are not a liberal.

" I give example after example of Liberal Democrats forcing their ideology on all Americans, taking one freedom after the next and all you ever say is... the Right is just as bad. LOL what a waste of time."

People have given you examples of how the right has done so, you just ignore them or support them.