
Debate Info

Three Less
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Three (5)
 Less (2)

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atypican(4873) pic

Three meals a day or less?

I think 3 meals a day is generally excessive, what do you think?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 3
2 points

more meals with smaller portions is the way to go

Side: Three
1 point

at least 3. snacks in between.

otherwise just heaps of smaller meals

Side: Three
1 point

Generally I eat 3. One at around 12, then another when I'm home from school, and a last meal around 9.

Side: Three
1 point

I usually eat three meals a day. One is when I wake up, lunch at school at around 11 AM , and dinner around 4-5 PM.

Side: Three
1 point

three meals is appropriate :)

Side: Three
2 points

It depends on how much work you do a day.

It also depends on what you are eating. Food does more than just sate hunger.

You really only need to eat for energy. Eating healthier foods in smaller amounts can give you the energy you need to get through the day, rather eating meals of foods that have little to no nutrients.

Side: Less
Intangible(4934) Clarified
1 point

rather eating meals

rather than

Side: Three

I think one full meal will suffice. It's like feeding goldfish too much food.

Side: Less